Michael Mantion
Seems cluttered.. It will be a flop. Few people like the Facebook timeline. No one understands really why they did it. Facebook is just as popular as ever. WHY? content, people don't use Facebook for the lay out, they use it for because their friends use it. User generated content, games, and other media drive the site. Facebook is king but plus is rising. Google plus has a huge built in audience because Gmail, Google search, Youtube, Voice, docs, hangout and of course the Android Operating system. Myspace can change all it wants but it won't matter. There are to many sites that fight for our time. Myspace can't compete.
Michael Grosberg
There are two problems with MySpace that will guarantee they will not be replacing Facebook any time soon - or ever.
The first and solvable one is that of performance. I haven't seen their latest redesign but it's not their first. They have already made one major redesign in response to the rising popularity of Facebook a couple of years ago. I checked it at the time and it was terribly slow and unresponsive. They appear to lack the knowhow of making a truly interactive, fast interface.
But the biggest problem is that they're still focused on music. Just look at that video - it's Justin Timberlake and going to shows and whatnot. This is not a Facebook killer simply because this is not a general purpose social network and they don't intend it to be. They are attempting to carve out a niche for themselves but it's just this - a niche product.
Stefaan van Damme
hmm, what I saw in the little presentation film looked promising. In reality it leaves too much gaps to make a structural disaster. When will someone take out the goth, the ability to use crappy pictures as a background and boxy structure of the interface? The remark that there's a need for more web2.0 in FB is oh so true though...
No... Facebook (Timeline) is cluttered.
Take Apple for example (When Steve Jobs was still there): The sole aim was to blow the users mind. And that is why people queue through the night for their products.
But Facebook was a mind blowing concept at first, a "solution" to a digital era problem. But all further development and "improvement" of Facebook was aimed at pleasing the advertisers on Facebook, not the users. A user orientated improvement will only be made if that information could be used to attract more advertisers.
Google Plus, App.net all have the right idea in the sense that they know users want a service aimed at them, but there nerdy insight less approach will never attract the masses.
Frankly if Myspace could be the center point that functions as your music player, social network, etc. with a interface as demonstrated in that video, its gonna blow people's mind, not just the nerds or anti-Facebookers..
Antony Stewart
Except obviously that Myspace is owned by the murdoch Co, aka, the sun, news of the world, spy on people, show them nude, help to rig elections, fox news... not very trustworty!
Terry Remsik
I love timeline in FB.. LOVE IT. I agree with @Michael Mantion at MySpace kiddy page being cluttered. ick.
To be honest I cannot understand the narcissistic fascination with either of them. People with nothing better to do and feel the need to massage their egos by telling the rest of the world what they do and posting photos of themselves. Yuck. Friends who have facebook pages have quit and acquaintences who have them, well they are generally pretty full of it and themselves...
Flipider Comm
I believe the real narcissistic fascination will become prevalent when the Star Ship Enterprise is built.
Trycorder communications? Check.
It's nice to see they're trying to stay on top of things at least. Although it seems that the site is geared towards celebrities and such. I mean people have got to want to see your space. And want to know what's going on in your world. It's kind of a showcase of your life.
Facebook resistant to change? Not at all! They love change - it's just too bad that the changes they make are not the ones that their users want. Timeline almost made me quit, but my family - which is spread over three continents - is on FB so I relented...and spent a couple of hours disabling Timeline and untagging myself in various places. If a challenger really wanted to eclipse Facebook in a matter of weeks, all he would have to do is respect his users' personal privacy. Yes, it IS possible to monetize the Web without putting users in a goldfish bowl, but it does take some effort, and it would seem that the big Web entrepreneurs are fundamentally lazy...or have reasons other than commercial for spying on their users.