I think the phrase "kill switch" is particularly well-chosen here.
Jon Smith
Man some people are just desperate for a Darwin award.
Dave Muckey
What could possibly go wrong with that?
The Skud
Forget the extra weight ... I would add [insurance mandate] a small pop-out (drag racer style) chute to lift the rider away in case of any mishap! The story does not mention any form of braking.
Mel Tisdale
I doubt that Mr Fellows will be suffering from constipation afterwards, that is when they have found all the pieces.
If it lifts off he'll tumble and that will be catastrophic. If it chucks him off he'll slide for some distance - better wear double leathers reinforced with composite sliders at the usual contact points if he doesn't want to endure months of excruciating pain while healing from deep road burn. Nothing like the thrill of seemingly endless acceleration from the micro-turbines (presume 100,000 RPM). How will he know when to shut down?
Not sure which is crazier: having two turbine jets so close to his head, or going up to 300mph so close to the ground on such small wheels. Turns would be practically impossible and the assfault/surface should be smooth and very level. Any undulations at this speed and his ass would be toast.
This brings a whole meaning to the phrase "Rocket Man"
lol, go for it man! just make sure the cameras are rolling and your life insurance premiums are paid up ..
This guy is apparently determined to be either spam or a wet red mess in a very long line, at least until the blood dries up. There will be absolutely no possibility of turning. At these speeds and with so little vehicle around him any attempt to turn will instantly result in lethal tumbling. Also he is not likely to remain either conscious or alive long enough to use a "Kill Switch".