Helicopters kick up everything loose and shoot it everywhere, especially gravel, they are extraordinarily violent - and that’s just hovering!
Plus they are very high performance, high tension machines that require enormous amount of inspection and maintenance.
They don’t “fail” in any elegant way, they just go down in a deadly heap throwing pieces and flame everywhere.
LeBron found out, air taxis can easily be deadly.
This makes me think of the ads for build-your-own helicopters that used to appear in the back pages of popular magazines in the 60s and 70s. Powered by tip-mounted pulse jets, the same tech that propelled V-1 flying bombs. Glad to see things have moved forward a bit since then.
Maybe a fuel cell version could be developed using a new H2 storage tech: It is not as efficient as batteries, but no battery can offer the range H2 powered fuel cells can achieve. Electric test aircraft are presently being developed, but they use cryogenic H2 to power their fuel cells:
Grunchy: My favorite description of helicopters is "10,000 parts flying in close formation".
Michael son of Lester

Interesting video. The majority of the accidents in the video were caused by pilot error. For example, one does not tow a boat with a helicopter. From 2006 to 2019 the total number of fatalities from aircraft crashes of all types, all over the world was 7179. * Compare that to the total miles flown per year. **

This design isn't a helo, it's a gyrodyne and the rotor tips aren't jet-powered the rotor is spun up electrically, so it's not loud. As for kicking up dust and dirt, this aircraft wouldn't be flying from dirt strips, it's design is for inter-city travel.


the day i'll enter into a chopper will be day i may be near my deatbed.... maybe.... well, no thanks i'll die on the ground.
This looks excellent, but I think people will still prefer no giant rotor blades. The safety aspect of small props or even ducted fans cannot be overemphasized...
good news, alexD! most helicopter related deaths indeed DO die on the ground, so!


you've just been venn'd, brah!!
I'd just keep it an autogyro and just spin he rotor up and it'll take off, land in it's length. KISS
Or a coaxial 2 rotor powered and just tilt it which way you want to go.
The one point he is correct on you need 1-2 rotors of large size to be efficient. Note the Helicopter they are sending to Mars works this way though I've been promoting it 3 decades simple because it is the most efficient, most simple.
And the new Attack Helo is 2 coaxial rotors.
It also has a natural crosswind stability.
Matt Fletcher
Hmmm... Anyone else see issues with everyone of these for purpose aircraft?
ScoutHawk: 2 tandem, is to small. Simple design already done similar to small helicopter.
GyroLiners: for the inner-city? Last I checked large aircraft are regulated/required to land at airports.
Skyworks air-taxi: Same as a regular helicopter, looks different performs the same, probably same price.
VertiJet: nothing like slowing down your support aircraft to the same speed as your transporter (Osprey) and while were at it why don't we put the tail in the jet wash while were at it to look cool. Don't the J35's VTOL, isn't that one of the reasons we use them.
The whole company smells like Moller skycar. Hmm... Skycar, Skyworks. Definitely sounds the similar.