David F
Could the warm waters be the cause of the mantel plume under that part of the Antarctic? If it was caused by global warming, wouldn't the waters elsewhere around the southern landmass also be warmer?
The water is probably warmer due to the 90+ volcanoes around and under the western portion that never seem to be mentioned. Global warming, Hah!
In the book "Full Rip 9.0" they mention that the coast of Oregon and Washington was rising for many decades prior to the major quake about 500 years ago. Sea level is rising a few mm per year, so this is a very big deal and can not continue, so will end with something very big.
Why is this good news? Wouldn't rising a rising mantle, sea floor displace water causing sea level rise?
BUSTED! Everyone on the alarmist side of AGWK has been saying that ocean level rise had caused the large sheet to break off. Now we find that the land under Anarctica has been rising. Looking at the crack of said ice sheet (which started in 2013 BTW), it makes sense that the crack would open from the top if the ice sheet was being left at sea level while the land mass rose. Everything about global warming has a huge hidden cause like this, and they come out every few years. How can anyone possibly still believe any of it? There is no actual "retreat of the Western ice sheet" nor is there anything like "rampant global warming" happening.
I sincerely hope all of you climate change deniers do not have kids or grandkids... you will be vilified by them... not to mention the bounty that may be placed on the oil corp. execs. Don't believe in global warming? Call the Mayor of Miami, and see if he can't change your mind.
Derek Howe
Wolf0579 - That's what annoys me most about you lefties, you tie together oil companies and cleaner air, with global warming. As a republican, I want cleaner air, and don't like OPEC. But I also don't buy into the whole "Climate change is man-made, and were all gonna die! slogan you've been using for years.
In this 1 Sep 2016 article from the Smithsonian Institute it is posited that "Glacial melt may also be re-awakening dormant earthquakes and volcanoes. Large glaciers suppressed earthquakes, but according to a study published in 2008 in the journal Earth and Planetary Science Letters, as the Earth rebounds, the downward pressure on the plates is released and shaky pre-existing faults could reactivate". So whilst the lead article states "This movement might help protect the ice sheet from further damage", it might also be the case that this same movement may stretch the crust beyond its tensile limits and cause magma flow which could conceivably hasten the melting of glaciers - a case of "tear along the dotted line".
As the second last paragraph of the head article says "Of course, this rare piece of potential good news isn't a free pass to ignore climate change."
JustJim posits an incredibly illogical argument: the presence of volcanoes under Antarctica overrides the effect of >400 ppm and rising CO2 in the atmosphere. Jim, just ask any credible, non-partisan, science agency around the world and they'll tell you - climate change is real.
Newsflash - practically every bit of land around the entire globe is moving up or down - just because rock looks hard underfoot, does not mean it's just sitting still! Look at any mountain if you don't believe it.
Which brings me to my point - much land is moving up or down 10x faster than any claimed change in sea level (Most of Australia's western coast, Antarctica, and more) - so exactly what are they measuring when the alarmist scream about sea levels, and more to the point: *where* are they measuring?
Also keep in mind that all satellites are calibrated from a "fixed" point on land - so what are *they* measuring? The change in the sea, or the change in the fixed point they're calibrated to!
Everything is relative.