Awesome. How come no one thought of this earlier?
Craig Jennings
So we'll have a bunch of people dawdling or coasting because the light ahead is apparently red causing congestion behind them so nobody will make it across the light behind them. Or on the flip side fanging it to make the next light? (of which I'm a fan) Then again, if they fanged it, they'd soon find out that their engines are too far forward and understeer into the pavement which would prove entertaining. I hope this BS never makes it south of the equator!
This could be really dangerous to implement without widespread v2v communications in place. Audi drivers alone will be incentivized incentivized to change their immediate driving style regardless of the traffic and road conditions around them!! If I had this tech, I know I would't be alone racing to catch every green light :)
Humans are fallible- how about we wait till cars are networked and and computers are behind the wheel???
Mel Tisdale
One can imagine a sort of cloud computer formed by the interlinked on-board computers in all vehicles within an area. If a primary task of such a computer, systems such as this one would be simplicity itself to install.
The problem, as ever, would be how to manage the period of transition between what we have now and that where all vehicles are part of such an integrated traffic management system. However, the transition would be facilitated by the obvious increased safety such a system would provide. It would follow that all vehicles so equipped would attract (very) favourable insurance rates.
silly how many cities even coordinate any lights? how many on minor roads? how many of them will operate, supportm and maintain this driver-com system? and why would they do that?
Robert in Vancouver
This is a great system that will make for less stop and go traffic, and less traffic line-ups that crawl along at walking speed.
It will also cut down on drivers weaving in and out thru traffic, which is a big cause of road rage and accidents. Less accidents means less traffic delays.
Once this system is in place and co-ordinated with traffic lights, all the nay-sayers will love it.
And if the traffic light management teams and the councils that employ them were not as dumb as the traffic light systems they would have installed traffic lights that measure traffic flow and density and be operating to ensure no one needed a £30,000 in order to travel through town in the most economical and efficient way.
While there will be individual fuel savings, there is no way that this will solve the majority of traffic problems. Many traffic signals are based on a demand light system that is not on timers to start with. In addition, it only works for those who are willing to pay for the system and mobile data access.
The problem is that most demand systems are triggered as a countdown when the traffic on the sidestreet arrives and switches the light solely on that timing, not based on the most efficient time to change the light for the main street. That often means that the sidestreet traffic stares at an empty intersection for 30 seconds and the light changes green for them just as 20 cars arrive (and have to stop) on the main street.
An efficient system that would help ALL drivers and save the most fuel would look down the road a few hundred meters in all directions and base traffic signal changes based on the most efficient energy solution IN THE MOMENT. Switching lights based solely on timing, even if it varies slightly during the day, can't be efficient for traffic in both directions as most cross streets are not at consistent intervals.
I can't believe all of the naysayers!!! I think it's a great idea. As long as non-participants don't screw up the system by zooming in front of you, racing up to the red light and making you have to brake because they have to start up from a dead stop. That happens when I try to "play the lights". My father, a truck driver, taught me this procedure many years ago. In a truck with 14 gears, it's a lot of trouble stopping and then going thru all those gears to get back up to speed.
I know how long the stop lights I drive through every day are red and/or are green. When I try to "play the lights" by slowing down I get horns, dirty looks and middle fingers. I do smile and wave as I pass drivers who have passed me only too get stopped at the red light. Speeding up to "play the lights" is acceptable by most drivers. I assume Audi's system will be speeding up not slowing down otherwise I do not believe it will be acceptable.