Skip Fredricks
Great list, I own them all!
Jay Caldwell
Worth a mention of an app called "soothe My Baby". It plays and lets you record soothing sounds for your baby. It also can be set to standby so that when your baby cries it will start playing soothing noises again. my wife loves it.
Lewis M. Dickens III
This sort of Posting is absolutely wonderful, albeit the snarky jab, getting your view is most helpful.
But the one App that really persists as an all time great is the i41CX that Apple has chosen to display so poorly and not list properly.
Steve Wozniac must have worked on the HP41CX which unequivocally destroyed the slide rule in one swell foop and this takes that way beyond and the user group is fantastic. So you have a double dip of Apps some of which once cost as much as $100 but are now all free.
I know that you are not into serious calculating but if you are, nothing anywhere can compare with the reemergence of the original Phaser Icon that was programmable.
Buddhika Kottahachchi
Great apps! Another worthy contender is Elapsed - A truly versatile multi timer app that's a serious upgrade on the built-in timer. Plus, it's free.
Wango Fango
Another candidate, contender is: Sidecar
Facebook User
iPhone best Jumping game I have Played yet
Ehsan Mahmood
I also want to include an other amazing photography app which allows you to take a group photo even, you take a snap of photographer. Read more about app, its free to try here
Suzanne Florin
Personally, I think the best iPhone app for 2012 is ClipClock. It is more than just a video sharing app because ClipClock lets you watch and create videos instantly. In fact, ClipClock just reached top 5 in the Photo & Video category with the app store. Find out more about it at the app store -
Emmanuel Fuchs
Hi, I have seen a funny fitness app: Heart Beat Rate ( It measure your pulse with the webcam !!! This app is interesting because Health advice and regular monitoring and follow-up are proposed. It is user friendly and magic. See you soon EF
Donkin Kimel
I would definatly add ArkMC application to this list. Because I have huge movies library both on my PC and on my NAS. And with the help of ArkMC dlna application I can get access to all the movies and music stored there. I use XBMC media plaer as a server, and Twonky on my NAS. I like watching videos and listen to music withound any need to copy it!
Here is the link for itunes: