Remember the good old days when we threw things for Fido to fetch? Since Fido watched "Terminator" it's a case of "Here puny human, fetch this ... or it's hasta la vista baby".
Dan Vasii
Very impressive - but the real problem isn't neither the software, nor the mechanics of the process - is the cables hanging from above. Until a reliable powersource will not be attached to such a robot, it will remain at lab curiosity stage.
Chef Borjan
Clearly you haven't looked at Big Dog at all except what you saw in this video, and yet made this big sweeping statements.
Its more than capable of operating beyond a 'lab curiosity'.
Suman M Subramanian
Since article started with the statement that BigDog has been replaced by LS3, I'm surprised the author resisted the temptation to ask, "Who says you can't teach an old Dog new tricks?" :)
Roger Chan
the elephant now has an android counter part. love it!
I can't even imagine where Big Dog will be in 30 years. Probably on Mars.
Jay Lloyd
Oh great... now after it chases you, it can catch you... and throw you.
@ Chef Borjan
having watched the video, i can just imagine that device assisting soldiers in the field - as long as their opponents are all deaf
John Ebbinghaus
Airport baggage handling, anyone?
Steven Littlejohn
Teach it how to Lay a cinder block wall ,and then you will have something. What a waste of build things simply to destroy...teach it to Create something !