Tom Arr
Please revise this to say 'chocolate-like substance' or some other such clarifying description of this abomination. To say that it has a similar texture to other Cadbury products does not aid in the classification as chocolate either.
Gary Joyce
We used to have something like this in our dehydrated ration packs (LRRP rations) back during the Viet Nam war. We called them Montagnyard Bars (Montagnyards - MON-ten-yards- was the French generic for the mountain tribes of Viet Nam) ... they'd tighten your butt up for a while as I recall!
Bruce H. Anderson
Cadbury has one-upped M&M's, it won't melt at all, in your mouth OR in your hand. In order for this concoction to ever melt in your mouth, or anywhere, one would have to have a potentially fatal fever. And death may be preferable.
Dave Gold
Um, actually - HERSHEY invented this way back during World War II. "In 1943, the Procurement Division of the United States Army approached Hershey Chocolate Corporation about the possibility of developing a heat resistant chocolate bar. Hershey's Tropical Chocolate bars were developed to provide military personnel with access to a confectionery treat in parts of the world where Hershey's traditional products would readily melt. The Tropical bar's product formula was designed to allow the bar to hold its shape after one hour in 120 degrees Fahrenheit. In July of 1971, Hershey's Tropical Chocolate Bar went to the moon with Apollo 15 astronauts." And in 1990, the Hershey’s Desert bar is introduced - for military use during Desert Shield/Storm.
Sorry Cadbury. You're only about 69 years too late.
Mike Barnett
I sure hope this thing tastes less like an oatmeal/Cocoa Puff flavored crayon than the Hershey Congo/Desert bar. Come to think of it, I SHOULD have tried to write with one of those things... it would have been easier on my guts!
dave be
Far from an abomination, I was pleasantly surprised as to the simiplicity of this solution. Its not like the Army versions that use additives, it just rearranges the process they were already using. good to know.
Travis Casey
@Dave Gold - You might want to try actually reading the article before commenting on it. It talks about Hershey's Tropical Chocolate in it.
And I see the chocolate snobs are here as well. As for me, well... talk is cheap. I'll have to actually try the chocolate before I can decide whether it's any good or not.
Don Duncan
I am waiting for a major company to give us a real chocolate bar: raw chocolate, raw sugar, uncut with milk or any other fillers. Also, the perfect companion would be a coconut-chocolate bar, not coconut covered with chocolate, with and without whole roasted almonds.
I like melting chocolate, everything is getting so synthetic, processed,industrial. I like making my own candy when I can, but I will always love M&Ms.. And about that candy bar that melts in your pocket, it never stopped me from eating it :)
Charles Barnard
Even bad chocolate is better than no chocolate...until try one of these, I won't know. Can't be worse than the previous attempts, which included K-ration bars flavored with kerosene so they might make it to the front lines.
Nothing wrong with chocolate in liquid pouches @ 98 to 120 degrees....