Peter Winquist
If the band gap is so flexible, then it should be ideal for solar cell storage, enabling far more of the solar spectrum to be used ! Fantastic !
How could anything actually exist in only one dimension? Even an atom must have a diameter, and the chain has length. This sounds like the same sort of logic used all too frequently by engineers and other scientists who love to attach the theoretical value of nought (zero) to real objects. Most frequently used in computery where a machine with 2 hard-drives has them numbered "0" and "1" - clearly impossible since zero, by definition, obviously does not exist. There are other examples which betray the users' complete misunderstanding of what has been a fundamental principle of mathermatics for a very long time - at least many hundreds, if not thousands of years. Imagine if the first three people across a winning line of some sort were called "zero, one and two". Should the announcer be saying "In zero'th place is X " ? Or "and the winner of the zero'th prize is Y" ?
@professore "one-dimensional nano structure" is only a term in nanotechnology to describe what kind of structure it is. Don't try to put more meaning (and confusion) into it than necessary.
Seth Miesters
Hello Space Elevator!
@professore, you may have noticed that computers like binary. Bits have two states, and unless you assign one of them a value of zero, you can't count with them. Starting to count from zero works very nicely for many applications, not least because n^0 is always 1, and modulus operations actually work. Because of this, most technical applications start from zero because it makes very many things much easier. Something having a value of zero does not mean that it does not have a value (an entirely different concept). Just because you have trouble grasping that doesn't make it wrong. You'd probably have a hard time with complex numbers too.
In your race, the winner is the first one on the results list, and his distance from the start of the list is 0. The same idea works for your hard drives.
Aside from that I quite agree that this is an abuse of the term "one-dimensional".
J. LightFeather
more recently, artificial forms such as buckyballs, graphene and carbon nanotubes.
This is a false statement. Buckyballs are abundant in space an noted in 2010
"Space buckyballs thrive, finds NASA Spitzer Telescope." 28 Oct 2010.
I'm with Peter on this one.
If the material proves possible to manufacture it could be used to make very strong structures that are also natively solar energy collectors
Hmmm, we can make a space elevator that produces electricity there by powering the gondolas . Now someone needs to, first make really long pieces and then do it cheaply .
Gregg Eshelman
Sounds like science has finally caught up to Larry Niven's "Sinclair Molecular Chain".
@ randomray Elevators already use regenerative breaking.