Brian Mcc
Wow. If that hit mars The debris thrown up would probably destroy Our Mars spacecraft in orbit and on the ground. That would suck. However NASAs budget might suddenly increase .
Nathan Jeffree
Is anyone worried that if this astroid hits mars, that it could destabilize it and be a potential problem for us the human race ? what outcome could we predict might happen if a collision occured ?
re; Nathan Jeffree
While the energy of the collision is massive on a human scale and if if the impact was on earth it would be a mass extinction event, the energy compared to the mass of Mars is trivial.
Scott Bailey
@Slowburn, I had the same question but then I thought about it a second, imagine a Ten Pin Bowling Ball being MARS, the comet would be like a pea in size and as dense as a cricket ball.
I am not an astro physicists but I am trying my best at describing it in layman's terms.
The sonic boom could destroy the Mars Lander which is currently still on its back up computer. So, not really doing much for NASA now anyway!
Was good while it lasted!
In astronomical terms it will still be a very close shave and if it does hit it will be spectacular viewing for all earths STAR WATCHERS! :)
Joseph Boe
What would be really interesting would be landing a science platform on the comet and THEN the comet hitting Mars.
Mike DuBois
Lets assume it is heading for collision, wouldnt it be a good time to test some of the theoretical and proposed last ditch Earth Collision Defences?
Send out a nuclear device to change the tragectory, maybe blow it to small bits or catch it with a harpoon? Maybe even send up Clint Eastwood to drill and implant a device into it?
These things seem to be getting closer all the time, best to try out the theories before were faced with the ultimate question: You sure thats gonna work?"
David Gurtner
Depending on how water ice the comets contains and if it does hit Mars... then Mars will see rain for the first in B yrs...... Mars might actually have a viable atmosphere for a few thousand yrs as well!!!
Joseph Mertens
My thoughts exactly David! Water comes to Mars!
since the observers don't know the exact path; i wonder if a near miss of mars could throw the comet into a HIT with earth?
re; notarichman
Not in the foreseeable future. it is coming in at almost 90 degrees to the planetary plain and Mars does not have enough gravity to make that kind of a change in velocity on an object moving that fast.