I get the same effect when I'm cycling whilst wearing a rain cloak. I just grab the edge of the cloak and hold out my arm and the wind drives me along. My best was about 5 km without pedalling at all.
Stupid idea and a good way to get hurt. Along comes a nice wind gusts at a different angle and poof down goes the biker possibly into traffic. For sure if I ever saw one along the highway in a bike lane I would literally turn around and head the other direction !!
Not to diss this sweet idea, but haven't fairly simple non-motor methods for adjusting sails been around for rather a while? It would be interesting to see how close to the wind you could pedal and still get a useful effect -- probably much past 90 degrees and no.
The first gust from the side will knock you over. This is a dumb concept.
Having tried a similar but low tech solution in my late teens the idea definitely has appeal. However the following issues need to be addressed. Unless the wind comes directly from astern (behind) there is always a lateral pressure. So you end up leaning into the wind to hold your balance. Depending on the variability of the wind this results in taking a winding path. When gusts are strong the result is an out of control bike. There is a reason land sailers have 3 wheels. Even though you balance them on 2 wheels, you have the option to spill wind and come back down on all 3 wheels.
Now I may not be a genius but ..... c'mon!
There should be a burden of proof for kickstarter projects that a prototype can indeed function in a practical and useful manner.
The next point is that surely a touring e-bike is going to be easier to live with and more practical.
Anyway, good luck to all involved. Can't wait to see the videos of real world usage.
I have never understood bicyclers. They will spend thousands of dollars to get a bike that is five pounds lighter but claim they are doing it for the exercise. If you want exercise then get a heavier bike. One with a concrete frame and weighs about 200 lbs. should be perfect. Real men add weight to their workout instead of reducing it. When was the last time you heard a body builder bench 5 lbs. less and brag about it?
That thing should make it real interesting when an 18 wheeler goes howling by !
15 pounds eh.
Brian M
Nothing new here - something kids have been doing for years - Have the scars to prove it!