Spud Murphy
Great, cue the anti-vaxxer nutters, they've now got "proof" of "there's microchips in the vaccine".
Idea for a new businness: A device to find and extract lost/unknown microrobots/implants from human body.
''..... and possibly much more.''
You better believe it!
Bruce H. Anderson
It would be nice for hospital stays so that nurses don't have to wake you up to take vital signs.
I've been told these chips have enough power to send tracking signals into space!
Bill S.
We all knew this day was coming. I wonder if Fauci is in on this too.
Normies like Spud will have a hard time defending against total surveillance domination. Besides, he got nothing to hide, so what's the big deal right. Facebook knows he's just a product.
I agree with Spud, this anti-vax conspiracy craziness is a big part of the problem, and this will help fuel them. Just that image will be everywhere on their boards of misinformation...
Xcott Craver
Surely it's not only visible under a microscope, if it's a third of a millimeter in diameter. We can perceive millimeter markings on a ruler with the naked eye.
I calculated the dimensions of a cube of 0.1 cubic mm and it would measure
0.464mm on a side or about 0.18". Eyeballing the syringe photo, I estimate the
needle is 3-4X the diameter of the chip width or approximately 1.6mm wide.
That's the size of a 1/16" drill bit - perhaps good for a horse but not
pleasant for a human! The syringe for the Pfizer vaccine I received was MUCH
smaller than that! All that being said, the killer app for a implantable
device this small is real-time direct blood pressure monitoring.