Racqia Dvorak
I like this guy's attitude, but Mars is really a waste of resources. It's just not feasible from a total terraforming standpoint and if you're going to live in tunnels and habitats, then the Moon is so much closer and easier to work with.
Musk, Musk, Musk, this guy just got the possibility to attract all the interest of journalists, leaving outstanding innovation overseen. BUT Finally, I start liking this men. Why? Because he is one of the very view who is not mainly in surveillance, big data, military money burning, bothering people business. Even if many ideas I have seen already in the abandoned journal Hobby - Magazin der Technik 45 - 50 years ago he is at least trying to improve humanity while many other just drag us down. It is humanity to fly to Mars - because it is there - and beyond. Good luck Mrs Musk.
My only reservation; I probably wont live long enough to see it all happen.
I dont know where you got the 100000$ number or if u even watched the thing.. but he said it will be and i quote ''the price of median home which is around 200000$''
Hi Luka. Thanks for your close reading of the article. The figure comes from this direct quote of Musk's: "We're estimating about $140,000 per ton to the surface of Mars. So if a person and luggage is less than, counting food consumption and life support, then we think the cost of moving to Mars ultimately could drop below $100,000." You can find it around the 45-minute mark in the presentation.
When Earth's population is down to 2 billion of worthy people, flights will only be necessary to maintain that number. Illuminati - oops!
Elon Musk clearly had a very narrow education that has enabled him to produce a battery powered car but not to be able to understand that space exploration is by humans is a waste of resources and a distraction from the ongoing degradation of mother earth. Explorers throughout the millenia traveled to new places that were habitable. They had air and water and food sources and these did not need to be transported by the explorers. They could create a viable colony though they required a local exploitable population whose food they could take by force in the interim. This model cannot be exported to another planet.
Entire civilizations have come and gone and the going has been the result of environmental changes that were often the result of deforestation and the resulting micro climate changes (though macro enough to cover an entire region as with the Middle East where forests were turned into deserts).
If the 'martians' can 't provide energy (and thus everything else from there - most importantly especially initially would be rocket fuel, oxygen, water, ability to grow food and safe habitats) they will always be dependent on re-supply from the earth (like the ISS) and it does not make us multi-planetary. The first order of business would be get energy production started to produce fuel, then oxygen and water. To do this, we need highly automated robots, and we are a few decades away from robots that can build a energy generation plant (install solar panels), build a rocket fuel plant and build or put together a habitat (inflatable habitats would be the easiest) with oxygen & water supply (off course electricity, air conditioning and sewerage processing would be necessary too). Not to mention food production, processing and also medical care. It was relatively easy to do this on the Western Frontier or anywhere on earth when people were exploring the earth. Yeah, no, it was super hard, but very easy compared to doing this in an environment with no oxygen, water, lower gravity, no soil to grow food or farm/hunt animals and so cold the warmest summer day is around the freezing point of water.
Yes, initially re-supply missions can handle food, medical products, etc. But the energy, rocket fuel, oxygen, water, heating and cooling production systems needs to be in place when the first settlers get there. I imagine the plan is have them live inside the spaceship, but what kind of colonizing is that? You need robots to build the infrastructure first.
"Highly detailed?" Not really, but hard to estimate this far away. And a 42 engine booster? Does that scale up linearly or exponentially with problems? Thanks for thinking big, but good luck!
El Bonko
Sometimes proponents of capitalism argue that socialism could never work because it's in man's nature to be selfish. I think that is in fact more apt as an argument against capitalism, and Elon Musk demonstrates it perfectly.
Imagine how amazing the world would be if more than a tiny fraction of capitalists shared his vision and sense of responsibility in areas not related to the bottom line, or market dominance, or stock prices. We'd perhaps see less of a rush to destroy communities, lives and ecosystems for the sake of a prettier quarterly report.
As it is, the world is largely run by people motivated by little more than avarice for its own sake. It seems that kind of scum is what most often floats to the top in corporate culture. Musk is unfortunately very much an anomaly.