Musk's key insight is that humanity must aim for a multi-planet presence because a number of mishaps - self inflicted or cosmic mayhem - can wipe us out. And wouldn't that be a pity. Looks like today we're actually approaching the point where that becomes technologically and financially feasible. Hopefully that mission won't detract from the urgency of solving man-made threats to our only home, earth, with vigor.
Neil Larkins
I've become totally disgusted with this continual waste of our tax dollars for a glorified jobs program that only fattens Musk's wallet and the rest of the space program while our country's infrastructure continues to crumble. Fix this world before going off to destroy another.
Maybe we should see if MFR (otherwise known as Falcon Heavy) flies as reliably and as cheaply as advertised.
I really cannot stand low spirits like one of the above. Throw wet blanket on anything somehow outside of your horizons. Eat, drink, be merry be happy and....die out. That mentality already destroyed the world you so worry about. I am disgusted also.
Build the Space Elevator FIRST!
People need to "smarten up" about this Mars business. If you don't go back to the moon FIRST, and do your DRESS REHEARSAL where you can be rescued if things go pear-shaped, YOU ARE ASKING TO DIE. We have a metric Butt-Load of new things to learn BEFORE heading to mars, and the Luna is just the place to do so.
Derek Howe
Looks awesome, Keep on innovating Elon. Neil Larkins - ...Space X isn't getting any money to build this...your "space" tax dollars are primarily spent on maintaining the floating glued together tin cans (I.S.S). Our country and our world will always have problems, that doesn't mean you stop pushing forward. Landing a man on Mars will inspire people to continue push forward, explore the great beyond. Mush like after the moon landings people used the term "if we can go to the moon, we can do _______ (fill in the blank)."
Miner Bob
You clearly heard him talk like a business owner, how do you pay for the Mars adventure? You do things that can make money, like a charter company with cargo planes and launch satellites, collect space junk and moving things, including people, to anywhere in the world in 30-60 minutes at the same price as a cargo plane in the air. It's because his company's ingenuity perfected how to land an entire reusable rocket instead wastefully shedding parts along the way. This is why private enterprise vs the government trying to do things always works out better and it creates real value for the services being invented.
I believe Musk said 2 ships in 2022, with an additional 4 in 2024, to be clear. We shall see. If SpaceX pulls this off it will change the course of human's presence in space.
Wolf, Musk spend a good portion of the presentation on Lunar activity. I was happy to see that much attention paid to the moon. I too think it is the logical first step for deep space missions.
Roger Garrett
So, what do you DO all day long, day after day, year after year, after the thrill of just "being on Mars" wears off? You're always inside your little indoor habitat. You can't go out for a walk and enjoy the warm breezes (it's hellishly cold). You'd get the same environment by simply staying inside an apartment building on Earth for your entire life.