Would I be correct to assume that the next "It" thing in fashion will have little to do with the style of clothing a person wears and more to do with how many different ways, through wearable items, a person can stay Über connected to their favorite binkie?
I find this perception that a person must be connected at all times to be funny and scary in equal proportions, for the same reason, which is when something happens (and it will) that brings down the network to the point that people cannot connect, they will have no idea of how to function.
I have a light on my phone that can do the same thing. It changes colors too! Guess what its called. DING DING DING you're right its the notification light!
Rokdun Johnson
@steelnerves: and what if your phone is in a bag? My wife has her phone in her bag always. We keep missing messages and calls. Not sure about this bracelet's look, but this is still going in the right direction.
M. Scott Veach
@rt1583 YAWN... when are people going to get bored of being snarky about EVERY NEW THING. it really does get old.
how unperceptive can you people be? don't you remember the last 50 times you predicted the loss of all human interaction and were wrong? there's nothing scary about finding new ways to access information. we've been doing since for a 1000 years. it's our incredibly valuable aspect of our culture. and all you chicken littles are starting to frankly sound ridiculous.
I don't think I need another device blinking or making noise to distract my attention. I don't want my life to center around who's calling, emailing, texting, or tagging me.
@ Terrence.
Don't buy it.
@M. Scott Veach - I never said or implied that there was anything scary about finding new ways to access information.
My comment goes to the point that people have become dependent on their myriad electronic devices for their day to day functionality.
Also, predicting that something will happen to cripple the electronic information storage and access system is not a chicken little scenario. The entire system is man made and is therefore fallible. The Titanic was an unsinkable ship that no predicted would sink but it did. For some reason people look on the system that provides the means of instant connectivity and information as being unsinkable and infallible but it is not.
Is every single aspect of the system 100% protected against every single contingency? Are the governments of the world designing a super secret faraday cage that will encompasse the entire earth and all of our artificial satellites to protect against the one chance (however small) of a solar storm of enough magnitude to overwhelm the engineered protection devices of the various electronic systems?
To the best of my knowledge, no person can tell the future with 100% accuracy. We can only forecast what we hope will come based on current knowledge. For the simple reason that our knowledge is limited in this fashion, every single thing that mankind designs and build is fallible.
As far as being snarky about every new thing. If at least 95% (probably closer to 99% but this is just my opinion) of new things weren't just the same old technology put in a shiny new box, people probably wouldn't be as snarky about said new things.
new levels of hipster douchery has been reached!
Combine it with an actual wrist watch. As it is, I wouldn't be caught dead wearing it. It's ugly!
I by one think its a good idea letting it be waterproof, or the distance between the phone and the bracelet, i usually leave the phone in another room and dont hear it so it could come in handy.