This brings about my only question, which is a continuation of consciousness. If you break a body apart, and rebuild it elsewhere, is the original gone> For everyone else, the person may be the same, and the person may think they are the same, but are they the same person or just a perfect copy.
Flipider Comm
Or For human teleportation would be achieved by slipstream tele electro plasma (S.t.e.p.) Liquefied state energy mass solidified at the destination.
So a logic purist concludes that a perfect copy is the same as a teleported object if the original is destroyed. Someone is spending too much time in a Lab.
@ Flipider Dot Comm
Hats off. Your command of treknobabble far surpasses mine!
human transport may be far off, but just think of the savinqs in time, money and enerqy of transportinq "stuff".
Murray Smart
We seem to already have enough issues with GM foods.. let alone consuming things that are 100% synthetic. God help the human race in the future, it will be a rarity to enjoy an non-sprayed naturally grown piece of fruit.
I personally figure that if you have to die to save some money, is it really worth the cost? On the other hand, if we have the tech and know-how to accurately assemble and error check a human teleportation, then we would of cause also have the ability to produce synthetic organs and theoretically live forever.. especially if teleporting involved the correction of certain known medical defects such as the small stuff like Cancer, Heart Disease, AIDS etc..
There are pros to Synthetics, but what we stand to lose may outweigh them.. teleport from A to B with certain belief systems.. Arrive at B and you no longer have the same belief systems due to "error correction" in the teleportation process...
Grayson Swaim
What is the difference between creating a "perfect copy" and cloning somebody else? Reading this made teleportation sound lethal.
Otto Krog
Entanglement is instant "communication".
It conflicts with Einsteins relativity theory.
To get any further in teleportation, I think we must consider the speed of light as a variable.
What if the speed of light varies through time and space?
That would create some interesting theory. At least I think so.
Antimatter becomes the mind and consciousness of all living entities.
You are your own universe.
Reality is where the minds (antimatter) meets the physical universe.
Interested? Then read my philosophical multiverse theory.
Google crestroyer theory, and find it instantly.
Tom Haydon
How about teleport minerals from asteroid stations to earth.
90% delivery. Great that sounds very promising for delivery of same type molecule.
What they don't say and I would guess can't say because they have not thought about it is if the arangement of the molecules is the same as it was before being demolecularised????? Even with 100% delivery a human goes in and a pile of mush comes out if you don't place averything in the correct location. TOOLS!!.
Please excuse my stupidity as I do not know what speed the demolecularisation / remolecularisation process completes. Assuming it is virtually instantaneous there is only one way this process is going to work for anything other than single type substances.
All the entangled particles must be arranged in exactly the same sequence at both locations that way in and out stays in the same place.
The next problem is passing through without half a human falling over without the support of the half that has been removed. This will only be done using gravity to assist you so you are going to have to fall onto the entangled particles and fall out hopefully in exactly the same arrangement at the other end.
Falling in is easy as you are assisted in holding the QEP in place with a barrier bellow them. On the way out however I can see no way of maintaining their integrity while allowing something to fall out.
When you get all that sorted out I would love to watch someone else have a try.