The electrical generating efficiency of standard steam turbine power plants varies from a high of 37% HHV4 for large, electric utility plants designed for the highest practical annual capacity factor, to under 10% HHV for small. How can this compete with powerpack's 92% efficientcy? If they want to compete with batteries, they better provide some hard numbers to support those wild claims.
Martin Winlow
"... with a canister of a specially-blended particle mixture that cyclically gains and loses electrons. When those particles oxidize, they heat up, creating steam that drives a turbine to generate electricity."
My giddy aunt! My not use plonk some PV on the roof (and maybe add a battery or two) and be done with it?
Since this device is able to produce both oxygen and hydrogen I presume it would also enable you to go off grid with water since the two gases could be combined to form water.
Seems some "gas plant", if I may say...
They have managed to create a very inefficient battery and the biggest 30 kW generator on earth.It is really hard to see all that stuff with all those moving parts coming close to the price of a power wall battery.
"...and use natural gas instead, which is generally cheaper, more reliable and generates only about a third of the emissions. ..." . A third of the emissions?!? Of typical electric power delivered from a utility? How in the world would that be possible? Utilities typically utilize a mix of power sources including natural gas, but also some that emit close to nothing....solar, wind, nuclear, hydro. This claim is quite a stretch.
so if it can make hydrogen,,,why not power it with hydrogen? self perpetuating? or I'm just making circles in my imagination?
And home-based natural gas powered cogeneration systems are not new...I recall reading about a Fiat designed one 35 or more years ago.
Utterly negative comments from people who largely seem not to understand the design of this plant. For instance, willibald's comment on 'efficiency'- batteries do NOT produce power. Distributed power generation is the future, NOT a national grid that is vulnerable & inefficient. That there is a successful plant in operation shows these objections as groundless and ill- informed.
So if you use this just for electricity, it probably cant compete with an electric plant. If you use it to heat/cool your house, then in essence you're getting the electricity at knock down price and its much more efficient than getting both gas/electricity in. If you go further and use the oxygen and create hydrogen for your car, then you save even more money and are being even more efficient. The negative comments are missing the fact that it hasnt made a break through in efficiency in any one area but the end user is getting a more efficient system from the machine doing it all together for them.