I've been waiting for this for a long time, I ride in Florida so this will be a high priority for me to have! :-)
I think it is a cool way to keep ones cool. There are probably a lot of riders in the southern states - like Texas - that would love to keep their cool and keep safe at the same.
Alberto Lara
Toss the black leather jacket and get a proper summer jacket (mesh, etc). Nowadays there is mesh-like materials that are as abrasive resistant as leather, so safety is not compromised. Klim Rally Air jacket comes to mind.
Sherwin Kahn
As an early adopter I am in love with this gizmo. A dream come true and they are talking about a helmet cooling addon as well. Dream fulfilled.
Joe Sobotka
Albiet a tad pricey,, it sounds like an awesome idea to me. When I lived in Chicago there were Many a summer days riding that I did sweat my @ss off. I would have loved to have something like this. Also, riding in the fall and into the winter there were many a days I froze my @ss of. Again, I would have loved to have this under my jacket.
Sounds cool - pun intented. I always rember an experiment in a desert where a person was able to regulate their body temperature by keeping their hands and feet cold - so could you getaway with a smaller system to keep your hands and feet cool rather than trying to cool the core body.
Mike Donovan
That would be a good idea for the person on the back of the bike who doesn't get any cooling airflow from the front
Jim Sadler
I also live in Florida and did most of my riding around Ft. Lauderdale and Miami. Frankly there are obvious issues. Imagine being in full riding gear and it starts raining. It can easily be 95 degrees here and be raining at the same time. So not only would you need to turn off the unit but you would also need a quick change of clothing or your leathers would roast you alive. I suspect this is a breakthrough in a way and better applications will be found for it. But as far as motorcycling in South Florida it is not for me.
Prefer Alberto Lara idea, Toss the black leather jacket and get a proper summer jacket (mesh, etc). Nowadays there is mesh-like materials that are as abrasive resistant as leather, so safety is not compromised. Klim Rally Air jacket comes to mind.
In fact a good fan mounted to the bike could be activated when stopped or moving slow. Done for a tad under the $1,500 too! The fan(s) could be used by those riding e-bikes.
Harden the *#$% up you lot. AC on a bike??? Goes against everything bikes stand for. Next thing there'll be something to drown out the wind noise...