Jorg Schmid
Surely this has to be weighed against the overwhelming benefits to our health that cheap and abundant energy has made possible.
If a global pandemic were killing 8 million people a year, you'd think that all of human ingenuity would be harnessed to eliminate its causes as rapidly as possible. Oh, wait.
You would expect so wouldn't you, Jorg?
But I suspect you would be very disappointed!
Very much a stretch......I agree with Jorg
I call bull$hite. “Harvard scientists” - blows the credibility of all that follows. Harvard long ago abandoned scientific impartiality to political correctness.

Simply reading the above summary of the “study”, it is a labored heap upon heap of unproven assumptions. Very little hard science.

As with so many forced models, prove it by back-applying the method to history and demonstrating its accuracy in a blind comparison to actual deaths.
"We can’t in good conscience continue to rely on fossil fuels, when we know that there are such severe effects on health and viable, cleaner alternatives"

Although I agree in principle with above I have to ask how many people would have died without the benefits of fossil fuels, i.e.: heating, air conditioning, transport of goods, etc. I suspect the number would be higher than those from the negative impact of fossil fuels!?
It’s so much easier to rationalize the use of fossil fuels than to do the right thing and work towards the reduction of these energy sources. My home and car are powered by the sun alone. I haven’t purchased one gallon of gas or quart of oil in the past ten years. I don’t expect everyone to follow my lead but I’m happy to see so many have.
Bill S.
Let's immediately get rid of all forms of fossil fuels. Including those that create electricity to power all those heaters and air conditioners in our homes and EV's. Once we have done that, then its time to scrap every airliner ever made, every ship , every train, anything that transports food, medicines, water, and people. No more of that. Let's all go back to living like Fred and Wilma. They seemed perfectly happy to me.
Funny they don't mention what countries are the worst offenders & where the majority have died but I can guess..
Douglas Bennett Rogers
The "smoke" in the picture is entirely water aerosol.