The sentence "This 'saturated' the IMU by going beyond its measurement parameters and caused the navigation system to misinterpret its data and conclude that the lander was not only on the ground, but below ground level." is computer talk for saying that they overflowed a signed integer in the control program and suddenly went from the maximum positive number to the maximum negative number. Control system programmers often use integers instead of floating point as integer math is much faster, but does have consequences when you don't allow for the full range of values. They are trying to save face with the above explanation instead of saying it was a stupid programming error. I've seen the same thing in industrial systems control programming.

The old twelve-oh-two alarm strikes again but no Neil Armstrong to take over this time.
This is madness. First, in normal languages, we can say that this is a bug ... The program was insufficiently protected against an internal failure. Secondly, this is very similar to the bug in ARIANE 501 that lead to its destruction ...
Now it´s below ground - Measurement data are right now ;)
Testing, Testing, Testing. This is obviously another example of arrogance by the software development team not doing enough and a wide enough range of testing.
Rocky Stefano
You don't let one component decide the entire fate of a system. Any competent system designer will tell you that. This just points to failure on the QA team.
You could probably cure world hunger with the money they just wasted smashing that thing into another planet, but it wouldn't be as sexy, would it.
...expensive glitch.
@Rocky Stefano How's lack of backup components failure of QA team? Now, failure of that one component is on QA team, I give you that. -QA guy.
I'm sure there's a similar phenomenon behind Tesla cars going berserk on autopilot. Sometimes when your computer 'goes dead' (becomes overloaded) it's busy churning away on its memory, "garbage collecting". That's because it forgot to prioritize landing safely. In pilot training they teach you, most important thing is to always be flying the airplane.