fun fact
activity of NNMT in liver has been associated with an increase in lifespan.
So, you have to choose between being lean or live longer using this approach!
Howabout using it just long enough to become lean so you can live longer?
I thought the studies showed that being thin, supposedly correlated to living longer, and since this study seems to be saying that less NNMT means being thinner, it would seem that more NNMT, shortens a lifespan.
What about taking Niacin (B3)?
@usugo -- association is not causation.
fun fact, Obese people have a shorter life span.
This may be useful for people who have thyroid problems, where their system metabolism is already compromised, which causes weight gain. It will be interesting to see if it ever reaches the market, and, at what price.
Science has come a long way then, from David Letterman's observation decades ago after he read a sign that said, "Lose Weight, No Exercise, No Diet Sure Fire Plan."
Dave said to himself, "That pretty much just leaves disease!"
I'm already fat, balding and have grey hair. I read stories like this daily, fat loss, hair growth, etc. solutions that are "promising" but will no doubt not be ready for 10 or 15 years. Wasn't there anyone around 10 or 15 years ago making discoveries that are available to help out today's fatties? Grrr!
Miner Bob
No drugs required if you simply change what you eat! I know it to be true by curing my Type II diabetes and losing 60 lbs in 1 year. On track to lose 60 more and be under 200 lbs.
I no longer take any meds and my now old Doctor was replaced because he refused to understand how a KETO diet cured me.
I now have clarity of thought, no snoring, a happy wife, no foot pain, a stronger body and perfect blood sugars and fat levels.
I eat 90% fats & proteins, 10% carbs, no grains and zero sugars. I'm never hungry and it's awesome to eat bacon, butter and steak!