In a nutshell, it could bring the cogeneration at the house level. Making electricity and heat at the same time instead of just heat may bring the efficiency of the fuel usage from around 30% to 80% !!!
I think that is really cool and very green. I think it would make for a greener future. It could be used to charge electric vehicles. Perhaps the water vapor exhaust could be condensed to liquid water, hence, reducing the water vapor as a 'green house gas'?
I wonder ... The Baxi CHP uses natural gas for water heating and waste heat to drive a very clever vibrating Stirling Engine that generates about 1kW of electric as well. I wonder which is the most efficient
Bruce H. Anderson
A temperature of 1,562F is pretty toasty. Since recommended water temps in the tank are around 125F, let's hope they can scale back the source heat a little.
Jonathan Cole
This will not get too far without the addition of batteries for storage. One kW of electricity is not enough to power a home unless the energy can be stored and accumulated. No one uses energy at exactly a 1 kW/hour rate.
The fact is we already have battery systems lithium titanate (LTO) that are 95% efficient and they are most economically filled with solar energy. That is if you include the true economic costs of all other forms of energy conversion such as capital cost, maintenance cost, cost to health, cost to the planetary natural infrastructure, etc. In addition, these batteries can go for 20,000 deep cycles, are environmentally benign, do not explode or burn even with catastrophic breakage.
Not going to be worthwhile until they an get it down to $1/kw. also they tend to die rather fast from contamination of many things.
What happened to the BloomBox? Haven't heard a word since they put out a bunch of them 2? yrs ago?. Are they still working?
Bruce: Intense heat just needs dilution for a low temp solution. The big deal here is not just this one piece but rather how this can be teamed up with things like the article about supercritical solar concentrator systems to generate electricity, or syngas, or process municipal sewage to then get to syngas which in turn is distributed to consumers to make heat & electricity in their homes & on demand. Each piece works with something else across the region and across the economy. And all of this should be build able without fossil fuels or more importantly without expensive and scarce materials.
It would be a lot cheaper to use and ICE to convert the gas into heat and electricity.
And the ICE can run on alternative fuels in an emergency.
Stephen N Russell
Mass produce for use worldwide. Retro fit for homes, condoes, hotels, resorts, colleges, hospitals alone. '