Robert Walther
Genetically modified grain! Doomed, we're all Doomed! Rice and corn et al should be left the way god intended when he created them 6000 years ago. I only included 'Al' because he is my uncle and has been unchanged for over 50 years.
Fretting Freddy the Ferret pressing the Fret
Congratulations to the scientists involved. This is a crucial breakthrough addressing the need to curb the emissions of these rice paddies. If successfully implemented everywhere, we would see the last methane traces in the atmosphere originating from paddies disappear in 20 years time. That should make rice eaters like me less guilty about eating it knowing they contribute quite a chunk to global warming, and make sure future generations can continue to eat rice.
Pete Rasmussen
More Frankenfood. I can assure you it won't be on my plate!
John Dziki
Of course the anti GM people will burn this to the ground.
Gavin Roe
impressive, but how does it taste, and will we glow in the dark like lab mice
All good until whatever was kept at bay by that methane comes back to eat the rice. You can *bet* that if rice was not using so much carbon to start with, there was a good reason...
The "traps 20x more" blah sounds like unrealistic hysteria to me, without checking the facts yet: might be true, probably is not. update (i had a quick look): seems it absorbs only 1/4 of the heat or less (just that there's more of it) - but there's no way to slice or dice the numbers to reach a 20x factor, so someone's making global doom numbers up again it seems.
Yes - we are doomed. No - nothing you can do will make any noticeable difference to that fact, whether or not it's 20x, 112x, or 0.25x, or however else you play maths on it. We suck, we reproduce, and we keep on sucking. That's an immutable, unalterable, fact. The few who choose to suck less than the others are simply deluding themselves (but still reproducing anyhow - go figure...)
Christopher, you weren't looking very hard. There are no made-up numbers here. This is the top hit on google for "methane CO2 equivalence":
It's slightly difficult to compare the warming effect of CO2 and methane directly because although methane is far more potent as a greenhouse gas, it breaks down over time in a way that CO2 does not, so its warming potential depends on the time frame you're looking at. Over 100 years the factor is about 25, but over shorter periods it will be higher, and over very long periods, CO2 may be higher.
I think this kind of GM is far less objectionable than that used by the likes of Monsanto. It's fairly likely you could produce the same effect by cross-breeding rather than direct gene manipulation (though that's a fair way to establish a target), though you might get more unpredictable side-effects that way. Even organic veg has been subject to thousands of generations of deliberate gene manipulation - for example broccoli is an entirely man-made hybrid.
More important than it's lowering of greenhouse gasses, can we digest it and will it help us nutrinat wise?
Don Duncan
Robert: Corn and many other plants you eat have been genetically manipulated for thousands of years. For example, corn was about the size of the "baby corn" you see in salads or pickled. The larger size was increased over millennia by selective breeding. Is this natural? What is natural? The common practice is to exclude anything manmade from being natural. Why? Is this logical? Or does this distinction reflect an anti-man (anti- mind) bias? I think so, and I challenge it as arbitrary. That said, I don't eat GM because I don't trust Monsanto, big Pharma, or the govt. to protect us.
christopher: I agree. More research is needed on the net effects.
The irony is a simple solution to both problems was developed in the early '80s by a Japanese microbiologist who grew rice without constant submersion, plowing, pesticides, or chemical fertilizers, and had healthier, higher yielding crops than anyone else. See: "The One Straw Revolution" or "The Natural Way of Farming" by Masanobu Fukuoka.
John Banister
Of course, the real question is how it tastes after fermentation and distillation.