Brendan Dunphy
'According to Honda, a fully-fueled Clarity could power the average home for about a week.' If true, this opens-up interesting possibilities to use the car for load-balancing for off-grid homes using solar, wind and other renewables.
Looks interesting and ugly
My electricy bill is about $12 a week in the summer, and $80 in the winter. At a calculated $50 a week for what this car would provide... if I can swap gasoline AND home electricity for this car, at a reasonable retail price, give me a home-based hydrogen station and I am hooked.
Freyr Gunnar
Since hydrogen is currently extraced from natural gas, which can also be used to power cars… what's the point of the extra steps (natgas → hydrogen → engine)?
Nasty stuff high pressure hydrogen.
Difficult to store, difficult to transport and explosive in air over a very wide concentration range.
And expensive too of course, as no current method of production has anything close to a decent efficiency factor.
Dumb on several levels. New batteries will have short recharge times. A 10-15 recharging time would not inconvenience anyone. Hydrogen is a bad choice because of the high cost of installing it in enough fueling stations and it's fools gold without the gold. Hydrogen prices can seesaw up and down but I suspect it would be mostly up. Electric cars can be charged at home and a home can have a photovoltaic system to keep the cost of (Fuel) down and guard against rate hikes for the car and home. Hydrogen fails to offer this option. Hydrogen puts fuel costs squarely in big business hands Electric puts the cost of fuel in the owners if they choose it. Honda must be bored and needs to create "Something" but this is a strike out.
I agree with Cindy. Moreover, since hydrogen is not produced at home, we are dependent on govt./big business. What could go wrong? Oh, wait, everything. I want off grid, off taxes and regulations, off of big brother's radar. Producing my own electricity to fuel my needs is a step in that direction. I would pay a little extra at first to be more independent (less slave). How can you put a price of self determination, freedom? Live and let live (let others put their faith in govt.), I put my confidence in private enterprise.
Stephen N Russell
Just need more H2 stations then were good to Go same for EV charging centers.
Hydrogen cars are a Rube Goldberg device that violates the KISS principle.
You first have to spend energy to make the hydrogen then you ave to store - transport - store again and have a manned service point.
On the other and with an EV you generate electricity send it over power lines to an unmanned station and furthermore I do believe electricity moves slightly faster than hydrogen by truck.
Scientia Non Domus (Knowledge has No Home)
David F
As much as I prefer series-hybrid designs like the Clarity and i3, perhaps HFC technology would be better used as a means of storing unused energy from the ever-increasing number of solar PV installations. PV won't help when the lights go out (due to idiotic government legislation), but it could if the energy can be stored by splitting methane (perhaps generated from anaerobic digestion) or water.