Bob Flint
How long does it take to create the inside vacuum, and how do they plan on keeping it tight over hundreds of kilometers?
What good is a short, straight test track like that? <scratches head>
OK (maybe ?) for 500m... And so ?
Why subsonic in a vacuum?
Apparently none of these designers and dreamers have ever taken economics. The marginal cost of less time traveling with this technology versus conventional rail or even mag. lev. trains has to be astronomical... diminishing returns.
Further, to my knowledge there is no technology advancement created as a result of the R&D with this project.
Lastly, on a human level, what is the psychological profile of someone like Elon Musk who can't find purpose or value in going slow (er)? I understand he can't take vacations, won't stop "working". Do we really want to follow such a person off the cliff of the emotionally wrecked? We have all heard of the proverb, It is the journey, not the destination. Life is what happens in the interstices of time, and you cannot ever "save" time, you can only spend it. Spend it wisely.
Bob Flint
Commontator, Why sub sonic, probably they don't have it down to complete vacuum, and second the track is too short to go any faster and stop...
Isambard Kingdom Brunel made a rail propulsion system in the 19C working on a similar principle. It didn't work mainly because rats ate the leather seals on the vacuum tube. Remnants of the Atmospheric Railway still exist.
Hyperloop is a train traveling at super speed in vacuum tube! The real version will be underground? Because if not I think it will be really dangerous in case of an accident or attack.
I've only ever seen examples of hyperloops over flat terrain. Would it work up hill and down dale?
Some odd comments here, considering how early it is in the development phase for this tech. Simlar things were said about computers, mobile phones, microwave ovens and all manner of tech in the past, tech which is commonplace today. Seems some humans never learn.