Chad Johnson
Really? With this type of computational power we are still going to have traffic lights?
Facebook User
And imagine it on a bad day when it decides to turn all traffic lights green for the hell of it.
Same old story -- give a computer the ability for rational thought and pretty soon we have another cylon attack.
Don\'t you remember what happened with SkyNet???
DemonDuck, the good news is that it\'s mimicking the human brain, so it won\'t be engaging in rational thought. :-)
Ahhh. Nice that this is an IBM project. It will synergize well with Watson, other AI research, as well as other brain research and brain synthesis research that has been ongoing at IBM for quite some time now.
Regarding how the offspring of this research will help cellphones, etc., better interact with their environment: We\'ll rue the day when we say, \"Really officer? I was speeding? Oh I wasn\'t aware of that\", and our cellphone chirps up and says, \"Don\'t buy it! He knew EXACTLY what he was dong! He went as far as to call you a dumb cop as you pulled him over. I say bust his ass!\"
Robert Guimont
I\'d love to know how much time they spent just coming-up with the name. \"Systems of Neuromorphic Adaptive Plastic Scalable Electronics (SyNAPSE)\". Or maybe the new chip came up with it on it\'s own.
Robert in Vancouver
It's hard to understand why so many negative and sarcastic comments here.
This new chip could advance human civilization by having robots with this chip do all the tedious and dangerous work instead of humans. Or robots with this chip could explore the universe and report back to us so we know which planet is worth traveling to. Many other incredible possibilities.
Danie Clawson
Ok guys, forreals, we\'re a long way off from any form of electronics actually gaining any form of intelligence. Calm down.
Raymond Johnson
Skynet became self aware (insert date here) and started killing everything.... Anyone know a John Connor?
This could make an android like \"Data\" possible and the project leader is thinking of better traffic control. I wish I could have been the interviewer. I hope he was joking. If not, IBM needs a new PL.