Mel Tisdale
If it flies half as well as it looks, it will be a joy to take to the air (and the water).
One thing is certain, this is not dream just off the drawingboard with only the basic concept realised; this is very definitely a production aircraft with all the bells and whistles in place and functioning. It deserves to succeed.
Master DeBlaster
Very nice plane. Looks great and should be built very solid. Problem is the price. I don't think you will sell 500 a year at $189k. Lite, slow and expensive 2 seaters are not selling like they thought they would. I would want a glass panel for that money too. Steam gauges are car like, but to pilots, that is so yesterday technology.
Even at $139K, the original price, it is too expensive for a two-seater. What would the production run be if they were, say, 60-80K. Cessna sold 17k aircraft in 1978. At 10K units per year, what could be a viable price point?
always dreamed of float plane runs to the cottage...but the pricepoint is outside my non-frugal lifestyle :) gorgeous plane that would work well for my needs...
Very nice. Good job guys!
The product looks amazing. They appear to have invested large sums into sophisticated production tooling, but at 500 copies per year, I wonder if that expense has driven the price down or up?
Jay Finke
the only problem I see with this plane is the looks, cuz it it looks like I want one ! waterproof hull is a nice touch on a sea plane, nice build guys well done.
It looks like around $1 a mile (assuming 250hr/yr. and all sorts of other things - low estimate including maintenance and finance), which is not too crazy, but about 70% or more of that is the depreciation and financing of the $190k+ airplane price (the mfg. site says price rises with CPI.)
Gas at 345mi/20gal.($80) tank is less than 25% of the cost per mile.
The plane's trailerability is a big savings compared to other aircraft, giving lower or non-existent hanger fees and the ability to ferry the plane on the ground at less than half the cost per mile of flying. Avoided airport fees from operating on the water is also a big savings.
Mark A
500/year ? Hope you make it. I suggest a partner ownership program for us commonfolk. AOPA is trying to make flying less expensive so maybe all the 1% ers will buy.
The Skud
Ideal for flying (rich) hunters or other clients to smaller lake lodges and camping sites! Would take a while to get back the purchase cost though ... Live in one of those "fly-in" housing estates and it would simpllify travel to and fro runways as well.