But sliding the object beneath a cavity in a brick accomplishes the same feat.
I fail to see anything special ability, here.
Noel K Frothingham
Where's the cavity, flink?
I agree with Flink, plus the moment you actually put pressure on the top rather than simple touching it surely you'd put the shape of whatever you applied pressure with. So if they were pushing that block with their finger then it would compress and they would feel the cylinder.
@Noel K Frothingham
The cavity is in the hypothetical brick.
That little bit of material hides the object underneath it from touch. But so would a brick in a similar configuration.
Joe Sobotka
Ya,,, maybe I'm missing something, but I don't get it. Its the same thing as putting a thick piece of foam on top of an object.
Stephen N Russell
Ideal for cables, power lines, phone lines, Internet sensors, miscl cables, plumbing alone worldwide. Mass produce
Sounds like something James Bond could use with some imagination.
Vlad Tepesblog
At last! We finally have the ability to hide things from blind people!
Tom James
This amazing invention is 1 step below Warp drive. Vulcan's will be arriving soon for First Contact.
Fab idea! The possibilities are boundless....
I'm currently using the same sort of technology to cloak the spring/frame assembly which cut into me on my favourite chair. My matress is just a load of old rusty springs which are terribly uncomfortable too. I'm gonna cash in on this before it catches on!