Christopher Porozny
I\'ve said this before; I have had a macintosh since they were available in 1985 and I have invested in no less than 6 iphones over the past few years (with my own and my children\'s phones) but I\'ve had it with the direction apple has taken recently. This is my last mac and i, for one, will not buy another iphone.
I\'ve watched as apple transformed from the corporation \'for the rest of us\' to a controlling, maniacal, greedy, nothing-at-all-for-free corporation to rival the legendary efforts of microsoft.
I blame Steve Jobs, who after his initial illness was a changed man and not the cherubic co-founder of apple. Regardless, apple has forgotten those responsible for their success.
Miller got the publicity he sought. He knew the rules and figured he was above them all.
People who judge products solely on politics and ideology are not beyond my ken. I\'m supporting a couple of boycotts right now. They\'re over serious social issues like bigotry - not some publicity-seeking geek having his pinkies slapped/
I\'m not even going to watch the rest of Charlie\'s video - everything he says at the start is utter rubbish. Code signing is so Apple can block other people selling things wihtout Apple making their 30% commission.
The App Store approval process does not do any anti-malware checking nor any checking to see if your app \"does anything bad\". Authors do not submit source code - and Apple would not have the resources to do a code-review of all apps even if Authors *did* submit it.
There is simply NO WAY Apple can detect time-bombs or code downloads or deliberate/accidental side effects and so forth.
As if I didn\'t already have enough reason to avoid buying Apple products, they just keep adding more to the list. I\'m so glad the courts saw reason and released Galaxy Tab to the market after Apple sought to ban it\'s sale in Australia. Thanks to Apple, the Galaxy Tab is now well known and will crush Apple\'s market share.
Rocky Stefano
@ Christopher Porozny
You know what I\'m tired of? Consumers who are suck asses. Who don\'t know what they really want. Who don\'t really reearch the market but who \"follow\" the latest craze. Like spending 800 bucks on an iPAD for their kids when you can buy a complete laptop with that money and it can serve far more useful purpose than just surfing the net, taking pictures or playing crap games.
Steve was an innovator. However, don\'t forget, he was a business man too. Apple has 40,000 employees. Its not a small corporation anymore and what do I hear? Almost the same whining crap I hear about Microsoft now coming from Apple loyalists.
You people are never happy
Steve Balmer look\'ve got competition equally or more committed to world domination that even you...and Apple used to be a people-driven company.
@ comment Rocky Stefano
Not only did your comment not address anything Christopher Porozny wrote, it presumed fandom that is not apparent in his comment. I don\'t own anything Apple, yet I see merit in Porozny\'s explanation (which you do not address). Instead of resorting to belittlement, how about explaining how what he wrote was in any way wrong? How does a company scrutinize more than half a million apps? I don\'t know of any business that is held to that degree of responsibility. I don\'t even believe that the public-at-large would be so foolish to think that the apps they download even directly from the iTunes store would be so reliably malware-free. Both the Android market site and iTunes stores have express disclaimers that put them on even ground (which is typical of nearly every software vendor in the world).
This one issue isn\'t about mindless fandom or being lured by popularity. The marketed hype is real and your perception certainly has some validity. But this is not a situation that could not have happened in exactly the same way to the Android marketplace or other competitors.
Wayne Day
Inappropriate Response
@ christopher "I'm not even going to watch the rest of Charlie's video - everything he says at the start is utter rubbish. Code signing is so Apple can block other people selling things wihtout Apple making their 30% commission"
this argument has never held any water, as with the same argument for the lack of Flash. You can publish a free app to the app store, so that it's promoted and downloaded at Apple's expense, and use Admob so you and Google get the money off it, and Apple doesn't get a penny - in fact they loose money.
I would consider it short sighted to blacklist someone who had pointed out a flaw in the system. Apple needs to remain a brand that not only innovates in technology but also in how to keep its young brand of renegades loyal.