The only thing the Nexus is lacking is SD card slot. Everything else is better than the iPad. Clear winner for me.
Inappropriate Response
@daveBG "eveything else is better than the iPad" Nexus - worse battery, worse apps, worse cameras, worse dimensions, worse wireless, worse storage options.
so apart from the battery, apps, camera, dimensions, wireless and storage options.. everything else is better than the iPad - got it - thanks
A S Raju
I recently bought Nexus 7 not knowing about Ipad mini's release. I was a bit worried until I read this article, but now I am happy to know I got the best value for my money. Having used Nexus for a couple of weeks, the only shortfall I noticed is lack of an SD card slot, which if added will make Nexus7 the ultimate tablet for budget buyers like me.
The asterisks next to every spec that the Nexus 7 is lacking tells me that this is a biased article. I agree with IR, better battery, apps, camera, dimensions, wireless...not to mention the display, make the iPad mini a much better option. In addition, with the additional camera and processing power, it is able to be more than just an e-reader.
Fahrenheit 451
This category is really about economy and other tablets in this category clearly understand this aspect as does the Nexus 7. To use as a kick-about the Nexus 7 trumps the "precious" (aka Lord of the Rings) iPad Mini. Too many hedge funds invested in Apple trying to keep the hype at a fever pitch. Sad.
Brian Mcc
Silverbird... Did You even read the article? ipadM has a slower cpu, lower rez screen, less Ram and cost more. Costs ALOT more.
I was just about to buy a Nexus 7 when I found out that it won't run the Square credit card app. I think the headphone jack is different and won't fit the gadget. Let us all know if the iPad mini will!
Remember how when those of us that bought the first gen iPad felt when a year later the iPad 2 hit the shelves? I felt cheated and didn't rush out to buy the iPad 2 This is just the same thing Think of this as a feeler product, toe on the water to see how cold it is or hot for that matter 6 month to a year down the line the iPad mini 2 will arrive and those of us that bought the first gen iPad mini will have been cheated out of our hard earned cash The second gens iPad mini will have a a6 chip retina display and still cost the same They probably have it already but holding it back until next year It's the same with all apple products I want to buy one but who doesn't they are cool products that apple produce But I would advise holding off for 6 month to a year We can live with out these things in our lives
These devices are rapidly commoditizing, either one represents an amazing amount of capability at impressive price points. The technology is rapidly evolving too, it doesn't pay to get worked up on technical specs - by this time next year, both these brand-new tabs will have been leapfrogged again. I agree with the sentiment that SD slots are necessary, and they will become the norm. Everybody is asking and the first manufacturer that provides that will win a lot of customers. Same for replaceable battery, USB 3.0 ports, HDMI output, GPS map data, etc.
Bob Fately
@Ramape, I hope you are correct because without the Retina display (disappointing) I see no need to switch from my Kindle Fire