I\'ll be really impressed when they make a fully functional \"ready for use\" robot with the 3d printer, and the robot walks off of the printer, so another one can be made.
Kirill Belousov
Snake Oil Baron
They say it can walk and even jump but then say it is just a prototype. Does this mean it has had it\'s joints tested and could theoretically do those things or have they actually had it walk? It\'s pretty cool at any rate.
Jim Andrews
Yes , a very cool idea. I want to know how fast it can move and what kinds of obstacles it can climb over or on top of. Perhaps get a whole bunch of these together and have them \"help\" each other overcome obstacles as a collective group.
Carlos Grados
I want to see a robot scarab that can carry a big payload!
Mr Stiffy
It\'s creepy - kill it.
Gregg Eshelman
The way spiders are built is why their legs curl under when they die. Their fluid pressure drops and the leg muscles contract.
Wow amazing. 3D printing is impressing me everyday. Lots of things you can do with it. Been searching the net for printing services and this is just what I needed to read today.
Brutal McKillins
Danger Will Robinson. Danger.
Snake Oil Baron,
\"Prototype\" means what it always has, namely that it\'s one of a kind, not a production model.
Why would you pick a scene from such a bad movie? This looks more like the \"facehugger\" from the 1986 Aliens movie. (The facehugger from the Alien movie before that wasn\'t mobile so it didn\'t count.)