Renārs Grebežs
I think that supporting this global problem of meat addiction is absurd. If we have the means to create artificial sustenance, then make pills, cookies or whatever. Meat flavor can be added for the degenerate ones. :D
\"but astronauts have always shown a marked resistance toward \"eating poo.\"\"
Yeah, it\'s better to stay in LEO! :))
I am amazed how science is advancing in leaps and bounds in all things but I have to say a big NO to this cultured meat idea.
Peter F Hamilton
Very good article!
Facebook User
In the West, algae are \'pond scum\': in a Japanese or Korean supermarket, there is a whole aisle of seaweed and seaweed products. Don\'t assume that the image problem of algae in the West (expressed in rude names for Falkland Islanders and Welshmen) will hamper innovation in Asia, any more than the European abuse of the swastika has reduced its holiness elsewhere. Similarly, where farmers fertilise with human waste directly -- not via sewage farms -- expect less squeam about orbital versions. NASA is no longer the future of spaceflight.
This was an interesting article, but a tad insular.
Two words.............. Soylent Green.
Dawar Saify
Great article. if once figured out, it will gradually become mainstream.
Bryan Paschke
Once they get it right I suspect we\'ll see fads like cat and even human burgers sold to the adventurous. After all, it\'s not the taste but the killing of something that\'s rare or sentient or just plain cute and fuzzy that limits our meat to that which comes from just a few animals.
Me, I\'ll take my eagle burger rare with a side of human rinds and a coke.
Micheal Donnellan
Transmetropolitan earth anyone?
Stewart Mitchell
Nostradamus said artificial meat will be reasonable after the great destruction. Ruminants are destroyed as part of that destruction.
All that the author writes seems fine and good except that he thinks that tinkering with our food with GMO and irradiation is benign. It is not.
Researchers are now finding that our gut bacteria can and do take in some of the genes that produce the GMO pesticides (BT toxin) and start making the pesticides on their own. Basically our gut starts making poisons on its own. There are numerous studies from Europe where they have fewer ties into Monsanto where animals die early from GMO crops. Animals given the choice between GMO and non-GMO will avoid the GMO.
For the author to say with a blanket statement that humans can digest the protein ignores that humans have a large variety amongst them. I believe that a large percentage of our population can digest the toxin just fine. The problem comes in if only 10% can\'t, what are they supposed to do? GMO crops contaminate conventional (read as nature made them) crops so now a LOT of people have health problems with no good solution.
The ONLY good thing about GMO crops is they keep the Monsanto shareholders in green. Recent research has shown that good organic farming produces similar amount of crops WITHOUT poisoning our planet and our people.
Wake up!