Joe Terpening
This is dumb because they could be looking from any side
April Fools. The reason why I think this is the transit method is based on location A looking at location B (Sol) and watching a transit happen. This is angle dependent so shooting a "laser" which is a coherent beam of light would only block out the signal from someone who happened to be in the path of the laser. Furthermore the laser light would probably be detected, and wow I just can't go into how many problems I see with this and how many alarm bells it sets of. Once a year for 10 hours. what about the other 8759.6 hours we are transiting in front of someone else. April Fools, has to be.
Not very neighborly to try and stay hidden? You think that will display trust in us?
As idiot an idea as I have ever read about.
So...we know exactly what planets are looking at us?
and course, never mind the radio waves we have been blasting to the stars for a century.
IF this isn't an April Fools joke, how will we have hidden the massive amounts of TV, RF, and microwave emissions we've made into space over the past century? We aren't hiding any of that now, and we continue to send out info on how to find us on our explorer missions. Good one, guys.
Michael Flower
There Approximately 3,053,628(deg)03'33.41", Field-Of View in Space! How do you Plan to Cover "THAT MUCH SPACE" with ONE Proposed Laser Satellite?
Christopher Nigel Phillips
Slarmas has the date right. Can anyone be so dumb, deaf and blind as to not realise we have been observed for thousands of years. These guys are visiting us as often as they like.
Proxima Centauri, our nearest star is 4.22 light years away. NASA says that traveling at the speed of light is simply imaginary at present and “Warp Drive” or any other term for faster-than-light travel still remains at the level of speculation.
NASA's Dr Marc says "I am confident time travel into the future is possible, but we would need to develop some very advanced technology to do it. We could travel 10,000 years into the future and age only 1 year during that journey. However, such a trip would consume an extraordinary amount of energy. Time travel to the past is more difficult. We do not understand the science as well."
If visited by ET's or time travelers, I think that such technologically advanced life will have figured out how to live in peace.
Too bad Hitler will have predated any cloaking efforts by at least 80 years. All of our galactic neighbors already think we're Nazis, and the Earth-vaporizing missles just haven't got to us yet. ;-)
Oh sure it's okay to blind some poor alien by pointing a laser at them; just try that in your back yard the next United flies overhead.