David Larson
like I\'ve been telling people. They aren\'t \"laws\" there more like suggestions......... keep going the way you\'re going, you find out..
Omer Qadir
It doesn\'t change the *laws* .... it only changes the *parameters* of the laws. The laws themselves remain the same.... which is a hypothesis that was put forward some time ago .... seems like they have got more evidence to support it now.
scotty hasn\'t been proven wrong yet ! :-)
Charles Bosse
Sorry, I\'m not convinced. Are they really seeing variations through space, or through time? Big bang theory has proposed that some of the fundamental constants are changing through time already. Are they sure that this is not related to some already well established idea, like the expansion of the universe, or to some less established but still well known observation, like dark energy?
Laws and rules in science are made to try to explain what happens in the universe. Thus the \"constants\" are measures in science to explain and calculate effects in the Universe. Unfortunately the Universe does not know anything which is constant as the Universe is moving and changing continuously and it is unlimited. Whenever we try to get the two scenes correlating we get convinced that we need new laws and rules, but this will not solve the issue. Every moment is exclusive in its quality and there is no repetition in the universe. As long as science is based on constants we will not be able to explain the dynamic quality of the universe.
Mr Stiffy
I think - therefore I am.
Let there be light!.
The fine structure constant varies even more than this.
Going into a black hole - it stretches almost infinitely but when it gets to the core, it compresses and flattens like a soda can hitting a brick wall.
Thus the alpha constant - when running from infinity to zero, is also very very localised in it\'s measurement.
I agree with Omer Qadir: The laws may still be in place, but the formulae which describe them, may need an extra term containing yet another variable we\'ve not encountered yet.
We\'re only human, and our history has made up only a fraction of the universe\'s existance. And the \'scientific revolution\' we\'re in is - what - say 2 centuries old? Why would we already have all the answers? It would be rather presumptious and arrogant to think that we know everything about the Void that we\'re a part of. We\'re nothing, really, and we *know* even less, which is nothing to be ashamed of, given our temporary and fallible nature.
Just because you have discovered something and others also can verify the same thing - say a million times even - it does not become a \'constant\' phenomenon ! The universe is just toooooooooo big to justify that the obeservations from a tiny speck of a sphere called earth is sufficient for us to generalise the same for the universe ! This includes even things like the \'speed of light\' !

Human ignorance is the cause of this kind of generalisations - at times one wonders why the scientists are even doing such things. They seem to be very clear if they have \'measured\' something - by a meter or some other gadget.. Pl ask them to verify the standard used in their measurement..they will find that all that we have done so far in the name of science is just a tiny speck of what the mother nature has been kind enough to show us...

Also , do we know who we are ?

Scientists, pl look inward rather than outward, for all these kind of questions, pl try
Facebook User
Always so certain, scientists of all sorts, especially astrophysicists. Then they discover something like this or how our most distant space probes aren\'t moving at the exact speed they \"should\" be.
Makes me laugh every time they insist traveling at the speed of light, or faster, is impossible. They\'re making a calculated guess. They do not know for certain because the only things that aren\'t photons which have been observed moving near light speed are sub-atomic particles.
When somebody manages to shift a macroscopic object to a decent fraction of light speed, then they\'ll actually have some real data to work with. Until then it\'s all THEORY, not tested and proven. Anyone who paid attention in basic science classes knows a theory has to be tested in reality to be proven.
Michael Langston
Time, speed and distance are all trivial perceptions of our under-evolved minds. We all live in a non-local universe. This universe has no constants, well maybe an infinite amount of constants!!
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\"Who cares if some one-eyed son of a bitch invents an instrument to measure spring with.\" ee cummings