Kirill Belousov
Andreas Buechel
i am trying to get the following message to reach luis cruz ... perhaps he might see it here
hello luis cruz, thank you so much for what you have built with the eye tracking computer interface ... the future generations will sure too be thankfull for it.
in recent years i was thinking about how can interfaces be truly free and allowing the user to physicly move like one wants to and not how the operating system dictates and i came to think of following concepts what i would be most happy if someone picks them up to engineer something from it
1 ) a next generation mobile computing environment consisting of a camerafree motion capture input, a smartphone processor unit and seetrough dataglasses output
2 ] a mobile dome with kinetic energy harvesting technology integrated to both power the computing as well as to engage the user in physical exercise in order to highten mental and body fitness
the first idea is well laid out in the texts at i wrote about this idea at
and the second idea mostly at
please let me know if i can supply more material in this direction with best wishes
andreas buechel
Shawn Jenkins
of all places?! wtf does that mean? No smart people in the Honduras?
Anumakonda Jagadeesh
\"of all places?! wtf does that mean? No smart people in the Honduras?\" My take exactly. until I read Loz Blain was playing air guitar at the same one of the Americas of all places. It was a good hook line at the beginning of the article though. Glad to know there are still Tinkers on this planet. Hope you go to the collage of your choice, Luis. Thank you for thinking and doing. This will make it a great deal easier for many to communicate.
Edgar Castelo
Great idea!
Facebook User
Computers are used for almost everything these days, most people should learn how to use a computer. If you don\'t know how a computer works, this article gives a great explanation on how a computer works.
\"of all places\" hmm
I\'d like to suggest for this clever lad
Babu Nizam.K.
Great Kid !!! Time to Grow this up!!!
Kudos to Luis Cruz - not merely for his technical skills, but for his decision to employ them in this particular area. Chapeau bas !...