Great article. It is refreshing to see an online writer give detailed information about a topic. There are some of us out there that want to know how the watch works not just what time it is.
Hasham Abbas
I really hope this drug brings relief to all the sufferers of cancer out there, and I can only hope medical breakthroughs will continue for every disease.
Ruth Vallejos
This sounds like a great key and a new route to cures. Fantastic.
The only thing about this article, and any other that deals with lethal diseases is this: 1) Quantity: How does the longevity granted with the medication compare with letting the disease run it's course? 2) Quality: How does the quality of life improve when compared with letting the disease run it's course?
I hear a lot about improvements in medical treatments, but with some diseases, is getting treated worth it? It's hard to tell without a statement of the baseline stats. I'm not advocating not being treated... but were I handed a diagnosis, I'd want to know what I'd be facing without treatment.
Stephen N Russell
Dad died of chemo & lung cancer 5-18, I wonder if USC Norris Center knows of this treatment, or had in Use then? Or just research phase. Hope no future victims will undergo Chemo
Great article. Humans as a collective spend billions on things like testing martian soil for traces of life. It would appear to me we do not have our priorities right. No surprises given human nature.
I would appreciate a point of contact regarding this research. I have nerucosarcoidosis, and I know that the sarcoid lesion that is growing inside of my spinal cord is a result of a faulty immune system. I'm not sure if I'm understanding the article correctly, but if there is even a slight chance that this could help, I would jump on it. Chemo drugs are nasty. Prednisone is almost as bad.
Stewart Mitchell
If they can put a patent on it, FDA will approve the treatment. Only expensive treatments are allowed. They prefer treatments with heavy side effects
Jerry Hyer
What I need to know is which drug company will be distributing this new and wonderful drug. Hopefully it will be a small co. that needs a drug like this to push them over the top. So if you could please let me know who will be handling this drug.
I do not recollect exactly the delivery system used but do remember reading an article in "Readers Digest" more than 30 years ago about a doctor in Germany. He had mastered the method of delivering chemo drugs precisely to the cancerous tumor ONLY with almost zero side effects. At that time the waiting period for getting admitted to his hospital was like more than a year. I wonder whatever happened later.

Daniel Corcos
BTK is required for normal B cells too. Therefore, it is not clear that ibrutinib would do better than anti-B cell therapies. I have worked on B cell receptor and cancer, and now I consider that universal therapies might be better than "personalized medicine" for aggressive cancers.