A self beaching boat. Brilliant!
Ralf Biernacki
For that price tag one would expect orbital capability, not just sand crawling.
I am not sure this works.. having all this tonnage press down on a beach what if it sinks in... cool idea.. I just wonder if they really have it all fully thought through... batteries are heavy too.
Tom Lee Mullins
I think that is way cool. It would be neat to see it in action; go from water to land and back again.
Manuel Harder
Did Homer Simpson design that?
Absolutely completely totally ridiculous.
Perfect for making furrows in nature reserves, like the everglades or the wadden sea. Ultimately a ridiculous monster from an end time movie.
So when they say "like a crab" they mean some kind of sideways motion? Anything else would grind the screws down in short order.
Using the barrels for propulsion while at the same time generating energy from them is non sensical. Only if it is propelled by a sail you might get a bit of energy from them. Would be highly inefficient.
So only $8 million for the base standard water only version and $29 million for the crab-amphibious version for a reasonable $21 million/360% price premium.

And then you gotta triple your engineering staff to keep all those complex systems operational. So that means a captain + 3 engineers and no room for other crew.

Wanna take bets on the odds of either version actually getting commissioned by a client?