amazed W1
Time for a bit more evolution? I doubt that humans have been under any significant evolutionary pressure for the past 5000 years, specially with our present day benign and humane approach to disabilities of all kinds, mental as well as physical. But exactly what would generate the situation and the consequent natural selection which led to increased lifespan is difficult to guess.
In Genesis God set the maximum lifespan to 120 years after the Flood. It is still the limit after thousands of years. As our current generation of obese and out of shape people reach old age the average lifespan will likely begin dropping. As a matter of fact it has dropped from 78 to 76 for men in just the past four years.
Most likely this is not the case. Our lifespans are limited due to our bodies physically degrading (and our spirits maybe a bit too?). If we can slow down that degradation process (I don't know if we'll ever halt it), we could arguably live to 150 or even 200 years. So far we've not made any concrete progress down this path, but maybe with developing AI that is billions of times smarter than us with vastly more processing power, we can understand the human genome to the point where we can achieve part of such an outcome at least.
I think this article makes the assumption that no breakthroughs in tolomeres or other research is applied.
Rocky Stefano
#Bob this isn't about God. Science has time and time again explained what religion passed on as "faith stories". Cause you know Bob, Adam and Eve were REAL people. No dinosaurs in the Bible, the Torah or the Qur'an. Read a book called The Thousandth Floor. Its fascinating but what seems futuristic in a book only set 200 years in the future from now to me seems entirely plausible in the next 30-50.
Bob, this is science. Your "god" is a human invention. Grow up and discard your primitive bronze age programming. Religions are our FIRST ATTEMPTS at explaining the world, AND IT SHOWS. We have moved beyond, and we are getting results religionists could only dream about.
As far as the article goes... don't listen to pessimists! Our sciences are still in their infancy. When our technology is a million years old, and they tell me we have reached the limits of what's possible, I'll be more likely to believe it... but, if past history is any indication, we seem to have beeen able to achieve whatever we can imagine.
I see real promise in the more optimist views of researchers like Aubrey de Gray at the SENS Research Foundation that aging is "curable" and no more of an obstacle for science to cure than was Polio or an infectious disease. Using the same parallel as AIDS, that people die from becoming susceptible to things that shouldn't kill you, they've found ways that should stop the clock and you stay healthy. And they're close to finding a way for our rejuvenation to the appearance of being in your 30's is possible through gene therapies. Of course it will come in stages and the trick is to hang in there and live long enough to benefit from each stage of the process if you want go on living to be 150, 200 or 500 years old.
Douglas Bennett Rogers
Ironically, Albert Einstein showed that you can live longer just by going faster. You won't exist for a longer time but you will be able to experience a later time.
What about artificial enhancements? For instance, I'm sure a major cause of death in old age is cardiac arrest. If they can perfect artificial hearts, then the old could conceivably live much longer.
Guess I'll just have to join Walt Disney in the deep freeze until they've licked this pesky "death" problem.
Imran Sheikh
living too long doesn't makes any sense Living better and Helping Others Does.