Hmm, interesting. But as I understand it the vast majority of trains in remoter parts of the States are infrequent freight trains. Would this device be able to generate enough power to send signals down the line to operate signals, switches, etc, some distance ahead of the train (no point on a signal or crossing alarm going on just as the train is passing).
Wouldn't solar/ micro wind turbine/ battery combos be better, as used in the UK for traffic signage?
Mel Tisdale
Worth a quite a bit, I'll bet. Where I live, the metal thieves regularly remove earthing strips from the electified lines. I imagine they would be more than tempted by this little item.
Perhaps a better solution is to do away with any form of light system whatsoever and devise one where the signaling information is superimposed on the overhead power line supply; in much the same way that computer networks use domestic mains within a house today.
Sinnadurai Sripadmanaban
As train traffic is less often,using this on roads will give more output.
Ervin Kosch
How about instead of vibration you use magnets? IE as the train moves by rotate the generator. Now this would only be useful in areas with fast moving trains but I would think that ROI could be greater.
This a mechanical device which spins up substantial vertical displacements into electrical energy. It presumably has a permanent magnet component and other temperature sensitive bearings, ice and water sensitive elements.
The latter are exactly the harsh conditions remote rail locations will present and this invention is not even begun to be ready for them.
Great that the inventors sold early and have a day job.
Actually it does not have as Attoman assumes, a lot of temperature sensitive bearings and elements. One wonders why you people take a first iteration of a device and mock it so often-you must know all there is to know! It will be housed in a box eventually and bolted intensely to the ties. Solar is not always shining nor wind always blowing-but the trains are most always rolling. Electric Truck has license to this and also has a magnetic shock absorber that converts wasted kinetic energy of shocks into electricity-heavier vehicles work best-adding them on trains, tricks and busses would be sensible and save considerable amounts of fuel. Regen brakes only work when braking shocks bounce continuously.
Patrick Hilke
Sounds like this device might be a good candidate to charge the battery if it could harvest them vertical motion from an automobiles suspension.
re; funglestrumpet
In the USofA most of the railroads diesel-electric propulsion and don't have overhead power lines.
re; attoman
That is a proof of concept prototype but I see nothing that would indicate that it is temperature sensitive, and wrapping it up in a sealed plastic box would keep dirt and moisture out.
Rann Xeroxx
Why not just use solar panels? This device just seems pointless.
Jimbo Jim
"Why not just use solar panels? This device just seems pointless."
try to stand by the track when a moving freight train passes by, the up & down motion is tremendous, since each rail car weights a few tons, the up & down motion on the rail is unreal, it can turn out some serious serious energy, either hooking up a motor or a spring loaded magnetic coil to move against some rare earth magnets planted solid to the ground totally stood still.