and for this you are killing animals!
@WB they're potentially saving human lives here. The betterment of our own species trump the welfare of animals. You wouldn't sacrifice your baby for the sake of a puppy. . .
Very useful on top of the Qomolangma!! (Everest) Hahaha...
(But I must agree with WB's commentary! <:'-(>>> All living beings are our friends!! Be animals or plants!!)
Rocky Stefano
@WB..if it saves people then yes, we will
@WB our interest in their life was purely for the betterment of mankind, but it was worth the risk.
Killing is on our nature guided by Ethical rules.
It's a very self centric view of the world that concludes that humans are more important than other species. From the point of view of any other species this is obviously not the case. A step back reveals no species is of any more importance than the next. The choice is caring for the weaker or abusing them. So far, myopic humans have chosen to abuse their environment and everything in it. Doesn't seem to be going to well.
Username posts: "A step back reveals no species is of any more importance than the next".
Would you sacrifice your child's life for the sake of a mouse?
How about a million mice?
What kills people with Covid is they can't get oxygen through their lungs. This might help keep them oxygenated until their lungs could pick up the slack.
Kevin Ritchey
I’m currently fighting heart disease and figure it’s my time if they have to perform oxygenated enemas on me. Moving on…
Christian Lassen
this is really fascinating. And strange at the same time. And also, super super cool that it works.

And yes, as humans ourselves, we need to treat our fellow humans as the most important species on this planet. Any species that doesn't work, and even kill when necessary, for their own survival, will go extinct. If we don't like ourselves enough to kill for food, for medicine, or for protection, then we shouldn't be on this planet. That's self-hatred. We are worth the cost.