It's cool...but it kinda' looks like they took a Toyota FJ Cruiser...and slapped a Benz front clip on it.
Doc Rock
Well, I really hope Mercedes makes "Mythbusters" eat dirt.. after they came to the conclusion that it was *impossible* to practically create enough hydrogen, fast enough, to be of any practical benefit..
Denis Klanac
DOC HOLLYWOOD, no it doesn't. The FJ Cruiser is fugly but this thing is hot, they need to build it tomorrow and send one to me.
Siegfried Gust
Doc Rock, no matter how cool it would be, you can't get around the laws of physics.
Rick Squier
Siegfried Gust, laws are meant to be broken, just ask Tesla or Edison or even Einstein who was smart enough to know it was all relative. More than that it takes someone who doesn't say no way every time they encounter a problem or a know-it-all with limits... Hydrogen and electric are the future, accept it, watch it take over Oil. Rock on Doc.
There are a number of ways to separate hydrogen out of water they all require more energy input than the extracted hydrogen contains as chemical energy. The rapid oxidation methods leave you with less energy than you started with even if you include the heat generated by the rapid oxidation process. So where does the energy come from?
re; Doc Rock While Mythbusters screwed up the test of the hydrogen efficiency enhancement system that is supposed to work by having the small amount of hydrogen in the fuel air mix increase the rate that combustion takes place thus making the pressure rise faster in the cylinder putting more of the energy into the crankshaft making the vehicle more efficient. And their statement that you can't generate hydrogen from water fast enough to fuel a car is also not technically true either unless Mercedes has come up with a new method that rewrites the laws of thermal dynamics it is not cost effective to separate the hydrogen from the water on the car.
The Hoff
This looks far better then the fugly refridgerator box they're selling now but I think it missed the mark completely with the chunky jacked up design for a HIGHWAY patrol.
Volodya Kotsev
At last I can see an off-the -shelf concept with enough height under the differentials... If they can use more carbon for the body, doors, etc., they may not need so fat tires...
Actually the source of the KWs to drive the vehicle don't matter.
Very disappointing, it would appear these guys can't see beyond their limited internal combustion horizons.
Hello! motor/GENERATOR in the hubs. About time but guys you aren't using them correctly.
This should be a truly all terrain vehicle with great clearance and great mileage at high speed.
Fifty five minutes kids! Only fifty five minutes to triple the mileage and increase the off road ability by an Order of Magnitude.
But no you'll let the Japanese, Chinese or a couple guys at Tesla eat your lunch.... well can't blame you that sausage can get awfully boring.
Wouldn't it be nice if there was enough interest/R&D in civilian/productive uses for vehicles and gizmos that the technology would trickle down to the military and police forces instead of the other way around...