Thomas Braum
It just seems like another me too product. Also, microsoft has gotten a reputation for buggy software. I have an iPhone, iPad, and a macbook pro. They all just work. I used to have PC's and had trouble with every one of them. Simply not stable.
S Michael
Dear Microsoft and Mr. Ballmer. In case you didn't know the economy is in bad shape, Let me tell you it is....people don't have the money and if they do they are not going to spend it on half baked products like this. I'm looking to find enough money to buy food let alone some stupid thing like this.
Trent Larson
I would not buy a surface just yet. The price point is way too high. I can't believe MS priced this the same as the Ipad. They should have sold these at cost or slightly below just to get them out. Bill gates used to supply dos for nearly nothing back in the early days just to get it on as many boxes as possible. Next year I expect the price to drop on the surface in a drastic way. Wait a little longer and you may pick one up at basement bargain prices if MS decides to discontinue it as a failed attempt to enter the tablet market. IMO only Apple can charge a premium. For everyone else its about price driven commodities. MS needs to keep it at levels at or slightly higher then the Android products. I have a Galaxy tab 2 10.1 that is amazing for 280 dollars. IMO surface needed to be priced at no more then 350 dollars. And even at that price, I'd rather have ICS galaxy or galaxy note. Its beyond me why anyone bothers with IOS with no real program manager or way to add memory with no XVID AVI flash support. I predict windows phones and tablets will go nowhere. MS will continue to sell W7 to businesses and W8 will probably lose more customers to Apple. Just like Vista did. Don't know what W9 will bring but something tells me MS will listen to us instead of just feeding us what they think we want. Only Apple is somehow allowed to to that.
John Comeau
judging sales by ad impressions? it may be valid, but questionable from where I sit. most of my gadget-freak friends use an Android tablet, even if they also own an iPad. never heard of Surface until now though.
Dylan Kemp
Is my maths wrong. IPad = been out 5 years = 10's of millions sold Surface = Out 1 month = how ever many sold Comparing 5 years of iPad users to a month of a new products website usage no wonder the figure is so low.
Gethin Coles
They launched too expensive. They should've launched at a break even cost, and made a bit in the surface pro. At this point market share is more important than profit. didnt they learn that from the xbox? Also releasing the pro version later: honestly a monkey could plan better marketing strategy.
Tim Parnell
Also bear in mind. The current Surface with RT. Everyone I have spoken to is waiting for the Windows 8 Pro version to come out before buying....
I disagree, I have a Surface RT and love it. I never want to have to use a laptop again. It's a great balance between a consumer laptop and a tablet, without some of the limitations which other tablets have, The problem is that Microsoft have so far failed to get them sold via retail channels, it's a product people want to try before they buy. Everyone who's tried my Surface wants one. So far it's been bug free and is a great product.
Vince Pack
Speaking for myself (and I could be in the minority here), I have no real interest in the RT. it competes head to head with Android and iOS (the latter I've spent a lot of money on buying apps), and introduces yet another OS to buy into. I'm waiting anxiously on the Surface Pro. It'll replace my laptop and, with my planned transition to Windows Phone 8(x?) next year, will do me nicely.
I fail to understand why MS built such a nicely engineered product only to hamstring it with distribution. Maybe they lack the ability to produce on a scale comparable to Apple products? I don't know, but it was (is) a seriously bad move. I don't think the price point is too high, but I also don't see the logic in delaying the Pro, as it's mere presence will make the RT seem like a "better deal" for many.
MS - get the Pro out ASAP, put it on as many shelves as possible so we can see it, and let us finally have a reason to buy in!!
Who's with me??
Samer Helmy
The major number 1 reason it is flatlining, is that it simply is bad. Tried it, and it is no more than Windows Mobile platform on a bigger screen. The surface design and desktop layout is one of the most annoying, the random-coloured squares do nothing except infuriate you. There is no order or sense to that desktop, and Windows 8 is joining the stupid club. Windows 8 however has a point, this one doesn't.