John Parkes
I can't see how a sphere with a limited surface contact patch could make this feasible...a cylinder would make more sense.
Strategic Futurist
There's the possibility this thing will incur minimal damage when triggering a mine, especially if it trips slightly to the side of a mine. Being light weight, and therein offering minimal resistance, there is the possibility of the shockwave blowing it aside. Whilst some damage is likely, a complete 'ruinination' might not be a given
Bill Bennett
there are quotes from Senator Raymond James from the movie 7 Days in May that may help, and yes John, I agree the contact patch from the sphere makes the "safe" walking area very narrow, though a cylinder would not roll well, wars suck in every way
hummer boy
alls you need is a big 8 FT DIA concrete cylinder, push it over suspect mine field, and if one is triggered, SFW?
Edgar Castelo
A great idea.
Allen Lumley
- The Idea as I understand it , is to bring this device to a location where a land mine has been detected/has exploded , and let the winds carry this device repeatedly thru the area, mines would be detonated by contact/tripped by devices weight ! Repeated runs thru an area of this gps enabled device, WOULD NOT clear the area just show where the mine disposal team would not have to check by hand ! - Will it work? time will tell ! -if the disposal teams grow to trust it , this could be a winner ! NOTE!!! this is not made to find/detonate 'dud' bombs
Mark Keller
Do land mines leave a different heat signature from undisturbed ground?
Do landmines show up on ground penetrating radar/sonar?
Stephen N Russell
Mass produce & add aid from any UAV drone to recon area for mines or map mines to aid Mine Kafons. Must produce 1M alone to clear mines worldwide esp in SE Asia & Africa from civil wars. Huge demand for. Or have spheres fire rockets & chain to detonate mines & IEDs. Or shoot chains over mines to explode using air gun??
Alex Aricci
what about dropping massive amounts of inert iron plates weighing a few kilos each on the area of a mine field, most of them would settle on the ground but many would drop with enough force to trigger mines, and get blown to another part of the mine field where they would potentially chain together a bunch of detonations, sure maybe only 1 in 100 would hit more then one landmine, but if you airdrop 10,000 20 kg plates (they don't have to be heavy to generate a lot of force) you'll clear out a huge area.
Of course there's the problem of some of them falling on people, but I doubt anyone would be sticking around a minefield anyway, and the few that do can be temporarily evacuated.
Nick Thompson
Alex, that approach would for the most part require the plates to land flat vs. landing vertically in the ground. Attach a small "parachute" could help this, but... who goes to pickup the metal plates? And more importantly, if the metal plates didn't land in certain areas it is still unsafe to travel that section so recovering the plates could become impossible.