At no time in the history so many innovations are taking place bringing in breakthroughs to benefit mankind. MIT contribution to innovative research is well known. It is hoped other Institutions and Individuals in Developing countries emulate MIT.
Dr.A.Jagadeesh Nellore(AP),India
Where\'s my flying car? They promised me an affordable one by 2000 in the 70s...
Nanomedicine may lead better results in cancer therapies,less side effects better results.Augmented reality will find many uses in future also.
Tweel by Michelin
Edgar Walkowsky
Mobile 3D sounds lame in comparison to the other technologies that will change the world. Other contenders are:
- Personal Air Vehicles (PAV) that take off vertically and are automated (easier to do than car automation).
- Personal Rapid Transit (PRT) also known as pod cars are taking off in Sweden, Poland, Abu Dhabi (Masdar City), and the UK.
What is missing from the list is the slowly developing understanding of social capital in the community that it provides the environment for technology to develop. The focus on governance assistance for third world countries is an example of this.
Most people cannot express how trust is built, or understand the significance of reciprocity in everyday life. Nor do they understand the importance of the formal and informal rules that govern societies or the significance of the institutions that have been created to support the rules and create trust environments.
Wealth differences around the world are highly correlated to the effectiveness of a nation\'s social capital.
As communities develop an understanding of what is social capital and the strengths and weaknesses of their own social capital, we should see another revolution as significant as the industrial revolution.
bio-power jeff
nuclear fusion?
How about colon-izing the moon???
ALL of the MIT choices are childish and immature. Energy makes the world go around. So when the source is privatized, personal, and essentially infinite, individuals will be building and using their own aircraft, boats, vehicles, and personal submarines, with unlimited range. What energy do you use? http://www.blacklightpower.com/ Mental ability makes the world go around. So use synthetic intelligence. http://www.imagination-engines.com/ Self-replicating factories are the way of the future. http://www.molecularassembler.com/KSRM.htm Space colonization is the way of the future. http://www.islandone.org/MMSG/aasm/ That is just for starters. To improve individual minds expect wearable computers with heads up displays that can access the information contents of memory sticks by monitoring where you are looking at the display, and display the contents as fast, or faster, than your organic mind could recall the information. That is 20 year old technology, all people have to do is start using it. Immortality research will result in greatly extended life spans within a few years. Understanding what the mind is, and transferring it from the human brain to an immortal machine brain is the way of the future. These are the kind of technologies that WILL, not just likely, change the world!
There is one advance that will change the face of mankind forever and make all other developments seem trivial - the "˜Neural Link'. The initial step will be the tapping into our nervous system, permitting us to "˜read' the electrical signals of the brain. The ensuing stages will lead to: retrieving and reading memories; implanting "˜memories' that will give us physical and mental skills instantly (and limitless knowledge); downloading our memories to digital storage and, perhaps, to other "˜connected' brains; and the ability to interface with digital equipment, particularly "˜wireless' communications. Then will come the inevitable, final, evolution...
Since our individuality derives from the sum of our nurturing, experiences, education, and inherited traits and basic mental endowments, these all can be summarized as "˜memories'. Once these memories (one could say that they represent our "˜soul') can be moved, cloned, stored, and retrieved via digital technology, then we have attained a reasonable working definition of "˜Immortality'. Who needs a body? We would "˜move' from our "˜analog' shell into an indestructible, virtual, digital environment. We now could access our memories flawlessly - electronically, communicate with others instantly - electronically, and could dispense with once-implacable imperatives like eating, sleeping, washing, etc.. Nanotechnology will boost this overall capability and lead us to interstellar travel. We will tour the Universe without the need of a towel nor, as the Universe hums with energy, the need to remember spare batteries. Distance will be meaningless as we can either hibernate or slow our "˜cpu' down to a trickle. We will create an entirely new Civilization, and when we visit other worlds with sentient life, those creatures will think the same thoughts that our ancestors did when they saw the same event - they will believe us to be gods,
At our current arithmetic technological growth rate, the human race has perhaps 30 years left of "˜traditional' existence. The nation that gets to "˜Der Tag' first could easily take over the World with hardly a whimper from those so who place second in the race. However, should the technology become available to the common citizen, who would care??
Goodbye Old Planet! ... and thanks for all the fish!