I think this has a wide range of uses and a lot of potential. It would make hybrids use electric power more than the gas engine. It would be a boost for anything that is battery powered.
This huge, woohoo if they can make large units for storing solar energy cheaply and cleanly. I'll hold off bying my electric car for a couple of years until this avail!
Need this sooner rather than later, shut down big polluters like the tar sands and coal generating stations ......... yes!
nice fake app. How about real voltmeter data?
@Rehab - you cannot just shut down whatever you want. Thousands of people would end up on a street... The change process will take decades, unfortunately. Maybe in 3 generations people will look at the coal power plants or combustion engines like on relicts but nothing will change during one night.
Hmmm.... I'm a bit surprised. Unless this technology just all of a sudden appeared out of nowhere, then why would Elon Musk propose a $5 billion Lithium based battery factory? He must be aware of this technology. My thoughts are that Musk's engineer's looked at it but it was many years off before it could be used for automobiles. That said.. it is still a "game changer". Lets cross our fingers and hope this technology can pack a lot of energy and also recharge quickly.
This could be one more nail in the 'lets burn stuff to make power' mentality and it's made from organic materials, awesome!
@Rehab, Sadly this will do nothing to shut down existing power generation as you still have to get the energy from somewhere to charge these new batteries. Moving to electric cars just changes where the pollution is generated and ideally since large generation plants can be more efficient then individual cars reducing that pollution. Solar would be great but it's efficiency and cost of investment still doesn't it make it a viable replacement for other fuels yet.
Yes, as Dragon_Elder explains write, it won't change anything on the energy consumption. Whether you need 2 hours or 30 seconds to charge an accu, it still takes practically the same amount of energy.
The parameters of SoreDot sound promising, but I remain skeptical. The description tells nothing about the technology, they just put together all latest fashion words like nanotechnology, nanodots, bio, organic, supercapacitor, cheap, abundant,... without any explanation on the way it is supposed to improve the electrodes and electrolyte. I hope I am wrong, but it sounds more like an investor scam than anything else.
Beside it, if the accu of 2,000 mAh is supposed to be as big as the prototype on their video (about ten times the volume of the phone), then it would not be better than current supercapacitors already are (unless it is much cheaper and simpler to manufacture).
Fretting Freddy the Ferret pressing the Fret
Now what does it cost, $/kWh? I like the renewable aspect of it. We will soon see more novel battery concepts being developed and hopefully, commercialized. Let us see how those compares to this and older battery technologies.