Verkligheten Sverige
Just as I thought a Jeep could not possibly look any worse than the Commander, the Patriot or the Compass, Jeep serves up a new Subaru Tribeca moment.
@Verkligheten Sverige - It's a Jeep. If you worry about looks, you're doing it wrong.
no matter how new and innovative if it's got ugly face like that, your execution failed as a chief designer.... Look at the size of headlamp compared to massive front volume. and when you see the front and side, they do not match each other as two diffenent animals, ugly and filthy wild boar and dull and quiet soccer-mom.
Mark McLain
Well, just ugly is all. Congrats to Jeep for getting it wrong.
Maybe they should just replace the standard swing rear doors with sliders and call it a mini-van.
Bill Bennett
well three people above got it right, sorry AngryPenguin, BUT now days Jeep is supposed to be a sophisticated marque, not something with a canvas top and an add on roll bar, the head lights sure clash with the Aux lights, the rear is horrible, Fugly vehicle
Hmmm, , I've yet think of Jeeps as being a thing of beauty. As a matter of fact "Jeep" in Latin means ugly, durable vehicle. Even most Latin scholars are not aware of that fact!
Niklas Wejedal
I think it is very brave off Jeep to come up with something so entirely new - love it! I wish people were more open to change, It is appalling as a car designer to see just how fundamentally conservative the general public is. Open your mind for crying out load...
well, well, well ... let me tell you ... this very ford-ish look is somehow a sad step in the wrong direction. I understand that us-car builders slept theit way on the couch of dreaming the american superiority dream ... and suddenly realized ... that its only true in terms of military power ... may be not much longer ... stick with your roots, and remember what made u strong. it has more to do with CORPORATE PHILOSOPHY then it does have with DESIGN. The Europeans have allways been better at that anyway ...
Beisswenger Design
Ah looks like they went with the Judge Dread flying cab look....