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I volunteer for trials!
Bill Bennett
me too!
Could you please show me where I may buy a BOATLOAD OF ASTRESSIN-B !
peptide junkie
Im A-stressin for Astressin-b
Did the stress free mice live longer?
Before all you guys start using your kid\'s chemistry set to manufacture this CRF blocker, you may wish to consider that Corticotrophin Release Factor, if blocked, may very well block the action of ACTH , AdrenoCorticoTrophicHormone, and trust me, you dont want that to happen! The consequence could be the development of a condition, Addison\'s Disease, that has a lil consequence called: death. ACTH is released early each morning (a tiny bit) to cause the adrenal glands not to wither away and become unable to secrete several critically-important substances. Without the action of ACTH, the prognosis can be grim, indeed, although life-long use of medications can let such a patient have a relatively normal life. So, this begs the question: \"Just why would a person, for cosmetic reasons, risk such a possible consequence?\"
j. a., md
Brian Hall
The mice didn\'t drop dead.
John Storojev
But the mice grew hair everywhere on their bodies. Does this mean that one can develop hairy hands and a hairy ass, too?
It would be great if it could be used only in places one actually WANTS hair to regrow. A woman who has paid for months and/or years of electrolysis to remove hairs from the face or elsewhere on the body would not be pleased if, in order to alleviate thinning hair on her scalp, all of the body hair were to reappear. (I would personally like to use it on my overly-thin eyebrows, but surely don\'t want the hair on my legs and arms to come back again.)
I have been conducting an experiment with PS, another CRF blocker, and DMSO as the carrier. From what I have read PS doesn\'t alter you ACTH levels it only blunts your cortisol levels. I am logging my progress at http://homehairgrow.blogspot.com/ . So far I am about half way through my 9 month trial.