Bart Viaene
Cadmium is highly toxic. I truly hope this never reaches production phase...
Same concern as Bart Viaene. Cadmium is very toxic. It is in the same family as zinc though. Maybe zinc would work? Zinc selenide is also a colored compound, so my guess is that it would maybe work...
cadmium may be highly toxic, but is cadmium sulphide? after all chlorine and sodium are extremely dangerous as well, but you still put them on your chips in the form of sodium chloride. Lets not confuse elements and compounds composed of those elements, the chemical properties may be completely different
Larry Hooten
I\'m trying to think what \'transparent conducting materials\' they may be talking about.
I got nothin\' here.
Sweet. If they can get efficiency up to even 3% at about the same cost and durability of current paints, it would be well worth it to paint houses and roofs with this. If I have 5x the surface area facing the sun as I do with a PV panel, then I\'ve effectively got the equivalent of a solar-tracking 15% efficient solar panel for a pittance.
Heck, put up a picket fence and paint that....
The dawn is drawing near when we will have the ability to de-centralize the power grid and break our dependence on fossil fuels. These breakthroughs will free our debt based money system from the con game of OPEC too. We will also be freed from the maniacs enslaving all of us into fighting their wars of resources and oil commodities. We are literally being drowned by the filthy oil politics and pollution of fossil fuels. It is high time we push the fossils, politicians and their ilk included, back into the ground, and bask in the glorious warmth and cleansing properties of the sun.
Jonathon Sauer
Cadmium sulfide is very toxic. I am not so gung ho about this development. cadmium pigments also lacks stability. I wonder if there is a corelation between the lack of stability and the reactivity to light. I suppose that it might be appropriate for certain types of instalations. The reactivity also seems like a terrible thing for a paint to have. Soon, it will turn into a flaky, toxic mess. Cadmium pigments in oil last pretty well, but even those are not fully light fast.
Saul Abundo Sr.
Has anybody tried Cadmium Arsenide? It may have better results, please inform me of any developments.
Thierry Phillips
As a developmental stage in proof-of-concept for a generative paint, this is very promising, the toxicity and stability notwithstanding- since these are quantum dots, the actual level of Cd can be miniscule, and encapsulation can minimize leaching and maximize stability. The CdAs idea is worthwhile pursuing, and I can readily see SoS at the nano level as an alternate material for examination, as Si is relatively innocuous, although that wasn\'t the original empiric justification.
Toxic? Mcdonalds is toxic. Dont smoke it and you\'ll be fine.