Mr T
It's not getting uranium that's the problem, it's dealing with the lethal waste from reactors. After 60+ years of nuclear energy, this still hasn't been solved, other than to bury it in geologically stable areas and hope for the best. Nuclear is horribly expensive in the total life cycle, several times more expensive than renewables/storage, so what's the point of pursuing nuclear?
Unlimited? As we all know, nuclear energy always comes with an often neglected downside: Do we really have unlimited strorage space for nuclear waste? Not that I know of. Also, uranium in seawater may be plenty, though certainly not unlimited.
Extraction of uranium from seawater would be useful if the issue with nuclear power was a lack of uranium. The problem is though - there is no shortage of uranium.
Bob Stuart
Mines are closing for lack of demand. Even by abandoning the witches' brew the reactors produce, they can't begin to compete with wind-pumped hydro storage on cost or construction time. Nuclear was a nice dream, but it turned out to be a nightmare we can't control.
Brian M
Not sure about more Uranium begin much of a plust, fusion technology is what we need with regards to nuclear energy. But the idea of being able to clean up polluted waterways sounds good!
The article never mentioned about also filtering out the Gold to help defray the cost. Maybe the Gold is a waste product, please use my yard as a dump site.
There USA has a lot of stock piled uranium, enough for hundreds of years. The problem is we are not designing new and better power plants that are safe. All the existing designs are old and far to large. The problem is to much red tape and not enough innovation because of the red tape. I read of a design years ago that could not theoretically melt down...but it was never made. I would love to have a super safe micro nuke that could heat my house and greenhouse...even if I never got any electricity from it.
It would be far more useful if the same or a similar approach could extract lithium from otherwise hard-to-refine ores. Right now there is really only one large source of lithium, and it is no where near large enough to support a complete transformation of just vehicle battery needs.
Nelson Hyde Chick
Didn't Fritz Haber go down this rabbit-hole except with gold?