Denis Klanac
PEEL, for peel you off the road when a truck runs over you.
Mr Stiffy
It's a pity they are not being made "more arrow like".
The little brick shape is Mmmmmmmm tacky.
US$12,676!!!! Where! What! How! That's insane. The original cost was US$301. And now using all the advances in productivity and technology it costs 40 times as much???
I just don't understand this modern world.....
Alex Lekander
Who saw the blue one on Top Gear?
He wheeled it around the office by hand... No paying for parking.
Better question: why not just get an ATV and wear thick clothing, get a sealed basked on the back of the ATV and store your riding clothes there? You could also get a top speed closer to 60 mph on a good ATV that is large enough for a basket on the back.
re; DemonDuck
The dollar is a lot smaller.
Let's see....$12, I can get a real car for that. What too many of the trinkets offers fail to realize is that one of the main reasons people bought these back in the day was price. Even a VW Beetle was around $1500, when these sold for $320. Now they was as much for this as I can pay for a normal car? Get real.
The $12k cost is reasonable when you remember that it is hand built for now. If they sell enough, then the price will drop by more than half from the efficiencies of scale through mass production. And remember that something like this could virtually last forever, getting 120 mpg when gas prices are bound to quickly go over $5/gallon.
What we need is for a lane to be set aside for bicycles, mopeds, and commuter cars like this. The transition to vehicles like this must happen eventually. There is no other possible solution.
William H Lanteigne
There might be a market for this at 1/4 to 1/3 the price, in an urban/suburban setting where parking is a problem: it is, after all, a glorified shopping cart (I think it needs storage for at least 4 bags) yet would still be unable to find a parking spot close to the WalMart entrance. And yes, I could get 3 or 4 used Buicks for the same price and have extra capacity for hauling more people and groceries.
What's the latest with the Vauxhall RAKe? That, and other enclosed tandem three wheeled vehicles, are what I think would have real appeal if they don't price it out of reach of their market—those stepping up from scooters and motorcycles.
Matt Rings
Might I suggest a well-maintained 2000-2006 Honda Insight for half that amount, which seats two comfortably, tons of luggage/groceries, has A/C, and still get 70 mpg...!!!???
Seriously, this PEEL offering is for idiots.